A Company – updated 13 October 2024
Name | Arrived | Departed | Comments | |
Arrieta, Robert | robertusvet –at– yahoo.com | 8/15/1980 | 4/15/1983 | Mortar Plt |
Bacon, Mike | mystmagealpha –at– juno.com | 8/1/1975 | 1/17/1978 | 3rd Herd |
Baildon, Matthew | luke1905 –at– yahoo.com | 2/1/1984 | 2/1/1987 | 1st Plt |
Baken, Gordon R | maandbaken -@- yahoo.com | 1/15/1972 | 12/15/1973 | |
Ball, Donald B. | DBall39539 –at– aol.com | 11/17/1970 | 12/20/1971 | Sgt., 2nd Platoon (weapons squad) and CBR NCO |
Barnhart, Denny W. | dennywbarnhart –at– aol.com | 8/1/1974 | 8/1/1977 | |
Blakeney, Joel | bej1963 –at– yahoo.com | 6/12/1982 | 12/6/1983 | |
Bolden, Timothy J. | Nedlobndc –at– hotmail.com | 6/14/1982 | 11/16/1983 | |
Bonenblust, Earl F. | easyearl –at– localnet.com | 2/1/1967 | 11/1/1967 | Truck driver & grunt |
Bridgers, Dewey R. | [email protected] | 7/1/1969 | 2/1/1971 | Mortar Plt |
Brown, Terrance P. | TerryBrown.Cell –at– gmail.com | 1/1/1981 | 6/1/1984 | 2nd Plt (Honor Guard) |
Buck, Voris E. Jr. | qhm_ky –at– yahoo.com | 4/15/1967 | 10/18/1967 | |
Burke, David | davewburke1964 –at– yahoo.com | 10/27/1983 | 4/26/1985 | also in 4/502nd |
Carroll, Fred D | fcarroll46 –at– gmail.com | 11/1/1966 | 11/1/1967 | |
Cholewiak, Michael John | trivalleyfreight -@– gmail.com | 7/1/1976 | 3/1/1977 | USASAFS |
Clark, Michael L. | mladon39 –at– yahoo.com | 2/27/1982 | 2/27/1984 | |
Clemens, Bruce | bac783 )at( bellsouth.net | 3/8/1978 | 10/8/1980 | Squad leader 3rd PLT |
Coon, Timothy Bainbridge | coronadocoon –at– aol.com | 12/5/1980 | 5/5/1982 | Honor Guard Plt |
Cooper, Matthew B. | mattcoop78 –at– gmail.com | 10/19/1980 | 10/14/1982 | Weapons Sqd & Honor Guard |
Cox, Patrick | padyt562 —@– aol.com | 7/15/1980 | 7/3/1983 | Top’s Driver |
Davis, Mark A. | maddogoc –at– aol.com | 6/1/1973 | 12/1/1975 | 3rd & HQ plt |
Dean, Franklin | phoenix1953 –at– hotmail.com | 9/14/1971 | 6/15/1973 | |
Dingler, Gary L | sandpiper6 –@– att.net | 7/15/1972 | 1/30/1975 | |
Dunning, Dino J. | dinodunning1 –at– gmail.com | 11/1/1979 | 1/17/1983 | HHC HonorGuard Plt. & S-3 driver |
Eastburn, John | [email protected] | 10/1/1968 | 4/1/1970 | |
Ecton, David G. | r35164 –at– onsemi.com | 2/27/1984 | 7/27/1986 | |
Elscott, Robert M. | rmelscott –@— yahoo.com | 7/24/1976 | 6/12/1979 | |
Erlenbach, Drake | montanamongoose – –@– yahoo.com | 1/1/1968 | 12/1/1968 | Commo Chief |
Evams, Lamar Dee | flea245th – @– gmail.com | 9/1/1977 | 9/1/1979 | Mortar Plt |
Franzen, Eric | franzeneric –at– gmail.com | 5/15/1971 | 11/20/1973 | 3rd PLT |
Frazier, Ernest | efrazier –at– bham.rr.com | 11/2/1973 | 12/17/1974 | |
Garcia Santana, Julio E. | Garciasantana –at– msn.com | 6/1/1980 | 12/12/1985 | Passed Away January 15 2011 |
Garza, Hugo | hgarza –at– hotmail.com | 10/14/1983 | 6/16/1983 | |
Giardinella, Thomas | tgiardi –at– aol.com | 7/1/1983 | 5/1/1985 | 1st plt M67 gunner |
Hance, Brian | hancebl –at– gmail.com | 6/1/1976 | 11/1/1980 | |
Hancock, Steven | shancock92 –at– hotmail.com | 2/15/1981 | 2/17/1984 | |
Hermann, Ken | HERRMANN –at– YKNET.CA | 11/15/1977 | 9/10/1980 | |
Horton, Robert L. | bob_horton1 –at– yahoo.com | 10/1/1973 | 10/1/1975 | also in A Co (Honor Guard Plt), B & C Co’s |
Huntoon, Jay | jayvideo –at– sbcblobal.net | 1/1/1977 | 1/1/1980 | Also in the Honor Guard Platoon |
Iera, Lenny (Ike) | Lieraa26 –@ — yahoo.com | 1/1/1968 | 7/1/1969 | 2nd Platoon |
Itomura, Edison | e8itomura ==@= gmail.com | 2/7/1984 | 3/30/1987 | |
Jackson, Dwayne | dwayne.jackson6.civ –at— mail.mil | 12/1/1984 | 1/1/1987 | Supply Sgt |
Jackson, Rodney L | culn97 –@— yahoo.com | 1/1/1976 | 9/1/1976 | |
Klarnet, Frank John | fjklarnet —@– hotmail.com | 5/15/1969 | 6/20/1972 | |
Lafever, Gary | lafevergg –at– hotmail.com | 5/1/1967 | 10/1/1969 | |
Lang, Frank | ll1el2fl3kl4 -@– yahoo.com | 5/4/1968 | 11/30/1970 | |
Lewis, Stephen | lewis485 –at– hotmail.com | 2/1/1981 | 2/1/1983 | Honor Guard for Pres. Reagan’s Visit in ’82 |
Looney, Ron | loonknee– AT –gmail.com | 9/8/1967 | 4/28/1969 | HQ PLT, Co. clerk. |
Marsala, Charles | mars651 –@— comcast.net | 2/1/1970 | 6/1/1971 | |
McKenna, James J. | Jimousa –at– aol.com | 1/4/1964 | 11/15/1966 | Bn. Motor Sgt |
McLaughlin, Mel | SRGMAC1 –at– comcast.net | 5/1/1974 | 7/1/1977 | 1st Plt |
Morris, Jay E. | jmorris9999 –at- twc.com | 5/1/1977 | 6/1/1980 | |
Morris, Tony | tonyd533 –at– yahoo.com | 9/1/1977 | 9/1/1980 | |
Murray, Roy | rmurray100 –at– aol.com | 1/1/1970 | 6/6/1971 | |
Openshaw, Willie Preston | Editor =@== polkcountytoday.com | 01/10/1983 | 07/01/1984 | I was a 60 gunner in A 2/6, 3rd platoon |
Oshiro, Ernest | ernieoshiro —@—gmail.com | 10/1/1971 | 10/1/1973 | |
Pat Cox | padyt562 –at– aol.com | 7/1/1980 | 3/1/1982 | 1st plt /tops driver |
Peterson, Tom | thesteer53 –at– aol.com | 2/8/1967 | 8/8/1968 | |
Philip Mutschler | wutchler –at– yahoo.com | 9/1/1968 | 3/1/1971 | |
Radabaugh, John | johnrad_1 –at– charter.net | 5/19/1970 | 9/19/1971 | Co Clerk |
Raul Regalado | regalado –at— hotmail.com | 4/1/1980 | 6/1/1983 | |
Replogle, James H. | jimreplogle8000 –at– hotmail.com | 4/1/1973 | 11/1/1976 | 3rdPlt,3rdSqd |
Roach, Dale | droach59 –at— twc.com | 4/1/1977 | 4/1/1980 | |
Roy, Murray | murray.roy –at– gmail.com | 11/1/1969 | 5/1/1971 | Plt Ldr, XO, 4.2 Mrt Plt Ldr |
Rush, Dickie | richardrush536 –at– gmail.com | 12/12/1961 | 7/17/1964 | Infantry Sergeant |
Satterfield, William | rbowwells –at– yahoo.com | 5/21/1974 | 5/15/1975 | 2nd plt.asst machine gunner.Honor guard |
Schouten, John | jjschouten –at– frontier.com | 10/3/1966 | 3/29/1967 | |
Schwertfeger, Donald W. | schwertfeger1983 @ att.net | 6/4/1982 | 6/8/1986 | Mortar Plt (also 4/502) |
Shea, Tom | tripehouse –at– aol.com | 7/2/1975 | 6/25/1978 | |
Smith, Joseph P. | joe.smith20 –at– us.army.mil | 1/21/1967 | 3/15/1969 | |
Sullivan, Gene | gene_t1955 –at– yahoo.com | 1/17/1974 | 8/28/1976 | |
Sweeney, Mike | sweeneymh –at– hotmail.com | 8/1/1971 | 12/1/1972 | also in HHC |
VandenBulke, ED | edv417 –@- yahoo.com | 1/20/1973 | 3/20/1973 | |
Youngblood Jr. , Raymond L | ray.youngblood113 -@– yahoo.com | 3/30/1964 | 3/27/1967 |
B Company – updated 21 July 2024
name | arrived | departed | comments | |
Benny Davis | davislastdollar –at– sbcglobal.net | 8/1/1975 | 8/1/1978 | motor sgt. |
Blake, Kevin | JOEY12590– AT –VERIZON.NET | 7/7/1969 | 2/3/1971 | |
Calhoun II, John Charles | jcc150126 -@– yahoo.com | 5/19/1982 | 10/17/1983 | HQ Plt, Commo Section |
Callinicos, Peter | petercallinicos -@– gmail.com | 3/20/1970 | 8/3/1971 | |
Causey, Rudy | merudyc –at– yahoo | 10/20/1968 | 4/20/1970 | |
Cavanaugh, Joe | juppi0627 –at– yahoo.com | 7/1/1963 | 2/1/1966 | sp4 mortar-106- G2 |
Charles Rex Brough II | brough.rex –at– gmail.com | 5/14/1973 | 11/14/1974 | |
Cox, Larry | lcox17 –at– att.net | 7/19/1977 | 1/19/1979 | |
Croonenberghs, Donald | ss1963 –at– cox.net | 4/4/1969 | 12/20/1970 | |
Cuitlahuac “Cuiti” Weber | cuitiweber –at– yahoo.com | 12/1/1980 | 5/1/1983 | 1st PL / Mtr Plt / 3rd Plt |
Daniel R. Allen | danielfsu –at– msn.com | 9/1/1976 | 5/1/1979 | |
Dave Evanoski | drevanoski –at– yahoo.com | 10/1/1975 | 10/1/1978 | |
Denis Hitch | Dhitch9 —@– gmail.com | 11/1/1967 | 4/1/1968 | 2nd Plt then on to OCS |
Don Jager | don_jager —@— yahoo.com | 5/1/1983 | 5/1/1986 | A 2/6, HHC 4/502, B 4/502 |
Ed McDonough | STAFF4314 –at– YAHOO.COM | 10/1/1975 | 4/15/1977 | |
Edward Webster | underdog97322 –at– msn.com | 9/15/1969 | 1/15/1971 | |
Floyd Hicks | [email protected] | 1/1/1976 | ||
Fuller, Jurgen | jakefuller02 –at– comcast.net | 1/1/1981 | 1/1/1983 | |
Garoutte, Keith | muletopiamuleman –at– gmail.com | 6/1/1965 | 11/1/1967 | |
Gary M. Wall | casadewall –at– att.net | 12/1/1971 | 10/1/1974 | Fire Team Ldr 1st Plt |
George, Kenny | zenmeditation2 –at– hotmail.com | 5/2/1976 | 3/5/1979 | |
Glenn E. Simon | glenn_e_simon –at– hotmail.com | 7/1/1971 | 1/1/1973 | Company Clerk |
Grant Davis | gd7913 –at– gmail.com | 1/1/1982 | 8/1/1984 | PIG Gunner |
Grant Fleming | hospicechaplain45 –at– gmail.com | 1/1/1964 | 8/1/1966 | |
Gregory Rhine | gregory.s.rhine.mil –at– mail.mil | 7/26/1982 | 7/26/1984 | |
Hall, John W. | kaffine8 –at– aol.com | 9/21/1975 | 7/27/1979 | also in HHC, CSC, & A |
Jeff Wood | jbwoodjbone –at– aol.com | 11/1/1980 | 5/1/1982 | Not related to Lt. Col Wood 2nd BN commander |
Jim Sleter | jimsle –at– yahoo.com | 3/1/1968 | 9/1/1968 | |
Klarnet, Frank John | fjklarnet —@– hotmail.com | 5/15/1969 | 6/20/1972 | |
Martin Hartung | mkhatjfk –at– juno.com | 1/4/1973 | 12/15/1976 | |
McCorristin, Joe | jem5660 –at– aol.com | 9/7/1977 | 5/1/1982 | |
Michael W. Banks | Michael.Banks –at– millerpipeline.com | 2/1/1980 | 2/1/1982 | Mortar Platoon |
Michael Welsh | dwill028 –@— yahoo.com | 3/1/1981 | 7/10/1984 | HQ PLT NBC NCO |
Mike Bellanca | bullmikey –at– verizon.net | 2/1/1970 | 8/1/1973 | |
Mike Bilbo | [email protected] | 9/1/1979 | 5/22/1982 | |
Mowry, Joseph A. | muede50 –at– yahoo.com | 8/1/1976 | 8/1/1980 | HHC 2/6 INF |
Norris W Brown | norris –at– redshift.com | 12/1/1980 | 3/1/1987 | |
Pat Came | monkeysb20 –at– hotmail.com | 12/1/1978 | 12/1/1981 | |
Pat McAlear | patrickmcalear –at– aol.com | 4/1/1967 | 9/30/1968 | |
Randy Hammock | kcommahz –at– aol.com | 1/1/1982 | 6/1/1983 | |
Ray Lansberry | raylansberry –at– hotmail.com | 1/5/1975 | 1/15/1976 | |
Ricardo McKenzie | rickylaurelton –at– aol.com | 5/1/1970 | 2/18/1971 | |
Richard “Frenchie” Thibeault | skillytebo41 –at– myfairpoint.net | 1/1/1967 | 12/1/1967 | |
Robert Elliott | relliottemtb –at– hotmail.com | 8/1/1981 | 4/15/1984 | Mtr Plt |
Sabral, Michael Anthony | michaelsabral -@— yahoo.com | 6/6/1979 | 5/28/1983 | |
Schmid, Edward | efs.ov.de —@– gmail.com | 5/1/1974 | 6/24/1976 | |
Simpson, Gerald A. | simpsonusa —@— aol.com | 11/4/1983 | 7/14/1987 | 1st Platoon, 4th Bn 502nd in 1984/85. 3rd Squad then Wpns Squad 90 AG then Gunner, then back to 3rd Squad as a team leader. |
Stephen M. Davies | sgt.tank –at– gmail.com | 3/11/1984 | 10/1/1985 | |
Stooksbury, John | jstooks71 –at– comcast.net | 1/1/1967 | 7/1/1968 | |
Terry Rand | TLRand10674 –at– gmail.com | 9/1/1972 | 4/20/1975 | |
Thomas Dias | diastd –at– sbcglobal.net | 5/1/1968 | 12/1/1969 | |
Thomas Rowe | bronx_tx2 –at– yahoo.com | 5/5/1980 | 2/17/1982 | Unit Armorer |
Tony Marcello | amarcell –at– yahoo.com | 7/21/1976 | 2/21/1980 | Fehrbelliner Platz |
Wiegner, Joe | jjwiegner –at– aol.com | 4/25/1972 | 11/1/1973 | |
William Ford | wford1949 –at– hotmail.com | 9/1/1969 | 9/1/1972 | |
Wilson, Larry | el752001 –at– yahoo.com | 6/23/1976 | 10/23/1978 | |
Wood, Jeffery Brian | jbwood1958 -@– gmail.com | 11/30/1980 | 3/30/1982 |
C Company – updated 16 October 2021
Baker, Charlie | Fastflanker3 –at– aol.com | 1/10/1963 | 7/1/1966 | Company XO, CO, Bn S2, Bn S3 |
Brown, Bruce A. | mrbabrown1 –at– yahoo.com | 1/5/1979 | 4/5/1981 | |
Callinicos. Peter | petercallinicos– AT –gmail.com | 1/1/1970 | 10/1/1971 | |
Came. Pat | monkeysb20 –at– hotmail.com | 6/13/1982 | 6/12/1985 | Rifle Team Ldr /Sqd Ldr/Motor Sgt |
Christian, Terry | terrychristian –at– yahoo.com | 5/7/1968 | 10/4/1969 | |
Coffey, Bart G. | bartman87 –at– att.net | 12/3/1984 | 6/1/1986 | Team Leader C Co. 2nd Plt |
Condiff, Larry | lc5412 –at– aol.com | 3/1/1964 | 3/1/1967 | |
Dingler, Gary L | sandpiper6 –@– att.net | 7/15/1972 | 1/30/1975 | |
Dougherty, Dennis J. | doughertydj –at– comcast.net | 8/1/1971 | 8/1/1973 | and HHC Berlin BBde. |
Dreps, Joseph W. | valkyriebooks –at– yahoo.com | 2/3/1973 | 8/11/1975 | Mortar Platoon |
Dufer, Michael | mldufer –at– hotmail.com | 5/30/1979 | 5/29/1982 | 2&3 Plt |
Ellison, David | davinet9 –at– netscape.net | 5/1/1977 | 6/17/1979 | |
Freconna, John [JJ] | johnfreconna –at– att.net | 9/15/1966 | 4/4/1968 | Played drums |
Fry, Jeffrey | jefffry –at– charter.net | 1/15/1970 | 8/22/1971 | in HHC as Bn Cdr driver &SqdLdr of 4.2″ mrtr plt |
Goebel, Joe | joseph.goebel1 –at– us.army.mil | 11/21/1982 | 12/25/1984 | 1st PLT/COs Driver |
Goubeaux, Duane | gbeau51 –at– sbcglobal.net | 3/16/1973 | 10/16/1974 | |
Gratt, Paul X. | pxgratt –at– aol.com | 11/5/1967 | 9/1/1969 | S-2 & HHC |
Green, Marion F (Buddy) | honeybabe4 –at– windstream.net | 8/1/1959 | 1/1/1961 | 81mm- mortar plt |
Harrison, Richard | rharrison144 –at– gmail.com | |||
Hull, David W | davwhu– AT –gmail.com | 1/1/1974 | 1/1/1976 | |
Illing. Peter | petervera– AT –surewest.net | 2/1/1965 | 8/1/1966 | |
Jones, Michael | Jonesboro414 –at– aol.com | 10/11/1974 | 3/29/1977 | |
Lawrence, James | Jfldll –@— aol.com | 9/1/1979 | 9/1/1981 | |
Lozon, Frank Jack | franklozon –at– sbcglobal.net | PLT SGT. Member ’67 USAREUR CHAMP BERLIN BEARS | ||
Martines, Anthony | albaquercus01 –at– gmail.com | 12/18/1971 | 8/17/1973 | berliner pipe |
Melgar, Mario | chalaco66 –at– hotmail.com | 8/1/1974 | 12/15/1975 | Weapons Squad / C-21 |
Mumpower, Charles B. | charlesmumpower –at– yahoo.com | 2/4/1964 | 1/27/1967 | |
Nyberg, Bill | wgnyberg –at– aol.com | 4/1/1965 | 10/18/1967 | company clerk |
Pepper, Steven | Motorsqd.nrfd –at– verizon.net | 9/1/1969 | 3/23/1971 | Cook/Baker |
Plum, Richard | rblum –at– i29.net | 1/2/1979 | 9/9/1982 | 2nd PLT |
Prince, Jonathan | jonathan.prince –at– us.army.mil | 5/1/1972 | 1/1/1975 | Supply Clerk with SSG inroe Transfer 3/6 |
Rager, Charles | chollyr –at– aol.com | 6/1/1962 | 11/1/1963 | |
Rhue Jr., James A | slotcardok –@— yahoo.com | 9/1/1975 | 9/1/1978 | |
Richardson. Michael | tailpipe98 –at– yahoo.com | 3/1/1968 | 10/1/1968 | |
Ripley, Larry | lcr1946 –at– peoplepc.com | 7/1/1969 | 10/1/1970 | |
Roy, Murray | murray.roy –at– gmail.com | 11/1/1969 | 5/1/1971 | Plt Ldr, XO, 4.2 Mrt Plt Ldr |
Rrobinson, Jack | oakdaleredneck –at– aol.com | 11/16/1976 | 7/13/1979 | 2 Plt |
Ruffin, Donnie | [email protected] | 2/1/1983 | 2/1/1985 | |
Sage, Larry Guy | judgesage –@- gmail.com | 10/21/1969 | 11/21/1971 | 3 Plt – Best soldiers and boucoup parades! Loved the G-2 patrols in East Berlin and 6th Inf reaction plt to the Berlin Wall!! Berlin Wall |
Salinas, Raymond | raydogg1952 —@— gmail.com | 3/19/1973 | 8/20/1975 | Company driver |
Saunders, Lewis | Kicstan1 –at– aol.com | 1/12/1977 | 7/28/1986 | |
Sawyers, Galen | bettysawyers –at– juno.com | 1/1/1967 | 12/1/1969 | |
Seals, Charles F | charlesfseals –at– yahoo.com | 12/1/1960 | 2/12/1963 | |
Smith, Paul D | pdsmith25– AT –yahoo.com | 4/1/1973 | 5/1/1977 | |
Suarez, Fabian | suarezf –at– michigan.gov | 7/1/1982 | 4/1/1985 | |
Swihart, Timothy A. | timswihart –at– gmail.com | 4/12/1973 | 10/16/1974 | Army Tm climb Matterhorn Switzerland 7/10/74 |
Trujillo, Tony | nevadatony54 –@— yahoo.com | 3/15/1977 | 11/10/1982 | grunt in charley 2/6 for 2 years attatched to combat support (wall patrol) for one year |
Wheeler, David | lwsgrvbro –at– msn.com | 6/15/1979 | 5/15/1982 | |
White, Cherokee | cherokeew1953 -@– gmail.com | 2/16/1973 | 6/2/1975 | ROLL TIDE! |
Whitney, Gary | whitsend44 –at– gmail.com | 6/4/1968 | 12/10/1969 | Wpns Plt & Mrtrs / Allied Forces Rifle Team |
Widger, Dan | sforwidge –at– yahoo.com | 3/5/1975 | 11/7/1976 | 81mm Mortar |
Wilson, James | coldminer6 –at– yahoo.com | 11/27/1976 | 11/28/1979 | Also CSC Scouts |
Winn, Dennis | cdwinn –@— united.net | 11/5/1975 | 12/15/1977 | |
Wise, Kerry | ysguy54 –at– yahoo.com | 1/2/1972 | 7/19/1974 | |
Wysong, Richard C. | shoot9mm –at– gmail.com | 1/13/1973 | 7/1/1976 |
Combat Support Company – updated 25 August 2024
Name | Arrived | Departed | Comments | |
Aviles, Antonio | figjam133 –at– gmail.com | 10/12/1973 | 6/22/1976 | ADA Redeye Gunner |
Topka, Bill | wtopka –@— yahoo.com | 6/1/1978 | 6/1/1981 | 4 Deuce Mortar Platoon. |
Akers, Terry | lynne.loree.akers –@— gmail.com | 1/1/1974 | ||
Behringer, Karl | behringerk –at– bellsouth.net | 9/15/1974 | 9/28/1977 | Recon Plt |
Blinco Jr, Jack A | blinco724 –at– hotmail.com | 4/12/1972 | 9/23/1974 | TOW |
Burns, Don | kiltguy –at– aol.com | 11/1/1974 | 6/1/1976 | |
Coey, Roy | coeyroy –at– yahoo.com | 9/1/1974 | 9/1/1977 | scouts,squad leader |
Conlon, Tom | thomasdconlon –at– gmail.com | 8/15/1971 | 2/15/1973 | |
Crosby, Jeffrey A | islander77taboo –at– yahoo.com | 1/1/1967 | 12/31/1968 | Recon / patrols on the wall and Mission Patrols in East Berlin |
DeArmas, Frank | ciscodearmas –at– gmail.com | 4/1/1979 | 9/15/1981 | |
DeChamp, George | 1gdechamp –at– gmail.com | 8/1/1977 | 7/1/1980 | 4.2 Mtr Plt |
Fournier, John | JOHN.FOURNIER1 –at– US.ARMY.MIL | 11/2/1973 | 6/29/1977 | |
Garcia, Mark | mp7363 –at– gmail.com | 1/1/1981 | 1/1/1984 | Stinger/Redeye |
Geller, Rick | ric6789 –at– yahoo.com | 7/1/1974 | 10/1/1975 | |
Gloe, Lawrence | gloel224 @ gmail.com | 8/1/1977 | 4/4/1980 | Recon / Joined 6941st LS Guards |
Gonzalez, Frank | mrg513 –at– hotmail.com | 10/1/1971 | 10/1/1973 | |
Grant, Clarence | c-ugrant –at– t-online.de | 11/19/1960 | 8/19/1965 | |
Gruss, Phil | PHIGLO –at– VERIZON.NET | 11/1/1971 | 6/1/1974 | RECON |
Guntzviller, Dale | grunt8810 –at– sbcglobal.net | 1/15/1982 | 6/21/1983 | Scouts |
Heslep, Ty | t.d.heslep –at— att.net | 7/1/1979 | 7/1/1982 | |
Hugh, Maxwell | deano42555 –at– yahoo.com | 1/15/1975 | 7/14/1978 | Recon |
Johnson, E. Ben | ebjohnsonusa –at– gmail.com | 10/1/1971 | 9/30/1973 | |
Katz, Sidney M | katzsm –at– comcast.net | 12/10/1972 | 10/15/1976 | |
Lewis, Leonard H | Llewisathome –at– aol.com | 1/1/1975 | 1/1/1978 | |
Lopez, Martin Jerome | martin174059 –@– gmail.com | 4/15/1974 | 5/10/1976 | |
Ludwig, Jerry | ldwg –at– redred.com | 5/31/1981 | 2/20/1984 | TOW |
Mace, Jim | wizeman1 –at– juno.com | 7/1/1977 | 10/20/1979 | Tow Plt |
Malone, Daniel M. | DMM83709 –at– YAHOO.COM | 7/3/1974 | 7/17/1976 | Recon |
Martin, Thomas D | waaba1957 —@– hotmail.com | 1/1/1976 | 1/1/1978 | Redeye Platoon |
Maselli, Steve | stevemaselli —@— aol.com | 1/11/1981 | 12/1/1985 | Scouts |
McDaniel, Sam | leumasmcd –at– yahoo.com | 12/1/1970 | 6/30/1973 | Recon |
Nicks, Norman | nrnicks –at– cs.com | 5/1/1961 | 11/22/1963 | |
Perrin, Roy | igmoe –at– hotmail.com | 4/1/1974 | 8/1/1977 | |
Platt, Robert | Robert.Platt –at– ukr.net | 6/1/1978 | 11/15/1981 | TOW Plt |
Rader, John | raderj1 –@– msn.com | 11/1/1983 | 2/1/1985 | |
Revas Jr., Daniel | drevas2528 –at– msn.com | 6/1/1977 | 4/4/1980 | also in HHC 2/6 mortars |
Rimel, John | dartzpartz –at– hotmail.com | 5/1/1979 | 5/15/1982 | |
Rogers, Kenneth | rogers24 –at– bellsouth.net | 6/1/1974 | 9/1/1976 | TowPLTReno’s Raiders |
Rohde, Mike | merohde –@– columbus.rr.com | 7/1/1971 | 2/1/1973 | Recon |
Ross, Clement J | clement_ross –at– yahoo.com | 6/11/1983 | 10/26/1986 | Recon Scouts |
Schmitz, Kenneth | kschmitz-21 –@- hotmail.com | 7/1/1971 | 1/31/1973 | |
Tribbey, Tom | Thomas.tribbey —@—- gmail.com | 6/1/1974 | 9/1/1976 | Corporal with Recon Plt |
White, David | dwhite5985 –at– hotmail.com | 6/18/1979 | 6/17/1982 | TOW Platoon |
Headquarters & Headquarters Company – updated 13 October 2024
Name | Arrived | DEROS | Comments | |
Ryder, Al | driverkayak –at– yahoo.com | 7/4/1964 | 2/27/1967 | Support Platoon & M113 Driver |
Baker, Tom | tcbake —@— usfamily.net | 7/6/1969 | 12/23/1970 | 4.2 Mortar Platoon FDC |
Barry Curtis | barrycurtisphoto –at– gmail.com | 1/1/1982 | 12/1/1983 | Ammo Sgt |
Bateman, Robert P | rpbateman –at– gmail.cim | 8/2/1970 | 2/15/1982 | The dates entered above are as close as I can remember. My DD 214 isn’t exactly clear. |
Ben Steele | steele_home –at– yahoo.com | 12/15/1970 | 2/15/1972 | Recon Plt |
Benjamin E Johnson | ibjaamin1 –at– hotmail.com | 1/1/1972 | 6/8/1974 | 4.2Mrts, BnMaint PLL Drvr, BMO Drvr |
Bill Dillon | Schuck81 –at– aol.com | 7/1/1977 | 1/19/1978 | Maintenance Plt |
Carl D. White | davidwhite47 –at– bellsouth.net | 4/1/1968 | 6/1/1969 | Commo Plt |
Chuck Goodwin | Chuckstew –at– hotmail.com | 3/1/1969 | 5/14/1971 | Medic |
Clint Pirtle | pirtlecj –at– yahoo | 1/22/1972 | 9/17/1973 | |
Craig “Andy” Anderson | cmanderson47 –at– yahoo.com | 7/1/1966 | 11/21/1967 | S2 Driver |
Dave Emery | david_emery01 –at– msn.com | 1/1/1968 | 8/1/1969 | S-3 Drvr |
David R. Steffer | steffers5 –@— msn.com | 9/1/1972 | 4/1/1975 | Medics |
Dennis Belue | sdc13488 –@– yahoo.com | 5/18/1977 | 5/1/1982 | 2-6 Med Plt Sgt- Chief Med NCO BBDE |
Dennis L. Woods | d.leewoods –at– verizon.net | 8/1/1966 | 11/1/1967 | Com Spc / Sig |
Drew, James | chevy41ct –@– aol.com | 4/5/1965 | 6/4/1967 | RECON PLT. Looking to connect with anyone who served during 65-67 patrolling the Berlin Wall and East Berlin Sectors. Please contact me at the above email. |
Edward J. Haydash | haydash64 –at– aol.com | 7/7/1973 | 7/3/1976 | |
Edwards, Joel | ismatribe –at– yahoo.com | 12/31/1982 | 2/26/1986 | |
Facer, Everett, L. | elfman74 —@— comcast.net | 4/8/1970 | 12/1/1971 | I was attached to the Recon Unit of the Company |
Fore, Aaron | [email protected] | 10/1/1982 | 3/28/1986 | |
Francis Accorsini | ACCORSFR –at– COLLIER.K12.FL.US | 10/15/1967 | 4/21/1969 | |
Gary Shannon | shannon1933– AT –comcast.net | 8/1/1953 | 7/1/1956 | 2nd Tour: 03/58-11/61 @ HHC/2/6 |
Gary Strate | str2634 –at– yahoo.com | 1/1/1979 | 6/1/1981 | Medic |
Gordon Bill Huff | 1BILLHUFF –at– ATT.NET | 8/5/1983 | 2/12/1986 | PAC S-1 also in 4/502 |
Gorman, Mark | lynskyn81 ==@= aol.com | 6/18/1980 | 6/18/1983 | motorpool |
Gratt, Paul X. | pxgratt –at– aol.com | 11/1/1967 | 9/1/1969 | Co. C PLD, XO, HHC S-2 |
Gregory A. Kelly | GregandHarmony –@- gmail.com | 5/1/1979 | 5/1/1982 | Food Service |
Harry W. Huyler | hwhuyler –at– yahoo.com | 7/1/1967 | 12/1/1967 | BnMaintOfc |
Henry, Robert | jeriwayne –@— bellsouth.net | 1/1/1964 | 1/1/1966 | 4.2 Mortar Platoon, 3rd Squad |
Hoover, Chris | jcassh -@– att.net | 3/1/1968 | 10/1/1969 | Commo |
Howard K. Smith | hks25 ==@= bellsouth.net | 10/19/1958 | 5/1/1960 | Berlin Cmd Hqs Personnel (Marriages) Processing |
James E. McLurkin (SGM Ret) | mclurkij –@— comcast.net | 2/1/1968 | 2/1/1971 | Served as PSNCO for the 2nd Bn, 6th Inf Bn. Member of the Ernest W. Armstrong Military Lodge (PH) located Andrews Concern |
Jeff Brown | jabrown45 –at– hotmail.com | 4/1/1980 | 3/1/1984 | Motor Pool |
Jeff Crosby | islander77taboo –at– yahoo.com | 4/1/1968 | 11/1/1968 | |
Jeff Tozier | jefftozier –at– comcast.net | 8/22/1967 | 7/7/1969 | PLDR,CO,Sig |
Jerry DeFabbia | defab5 –at– aol.com | |||
Jerry Lamoureux | glamrx –at– hotmail.com | 10/1/1969 | 5/1/1971 | Support Platoon APC driver |
Jim Lang | james.w.lang –at– us.army.mil | 3/15/1975 | 10/5/1975 | C Co. Medic |
Jim Sfetko | jimsfetko –@— gmail.com | 1/1/1966 | 9/1/1967 | Mess Sargent (SP 5) at Spandau with Col Bird |
Jim Zolezzi | jzole –at– pacbell.net | 7/1/1968 | 2/1/1971 | 4.2 Mortar Platoon |
Joel Edwards | ismatribe –at– yahoo.com | 12/31/1982 | 2/26/1986 | |
John E. Cole | johneloc –at– yahoo.com | 11/1/1977 | 7/1/1982 | Mtr Plt & HHC, Also Berlin Bde, EOC |
John Fingerhut | jfinger1976 –@— gmail.com | 1/1/1979 | 7/24/1981 | |
John Frye | JFrye13 –at– tampabay.rr.com | 5/4/1970 | 5/5/1971 | |
John Price | az78945 –at– yahoo.com | 6/1/1967 | 10/1/1969 | Four Duce Mortars |
Keith H. Seymour | khschs1 –at– hotmail.com | 11/1/1957 | 4/15/1959 | Commo Platoon |
Ken Le Blanc | skighken –at– aol.com | 5/1/1971 | 6/1/1972 | Battalion Mail Clerk |
Kenneth Vander Molen | starman4443 —@– gmail.com | 3/1/1973 | 10/10/1974 | Cook/Baker |
Klarnet, Frank John | fjklarnet —@– hotmail.com | 5/15/1969 | 6/20/1972 | |
Knox, Thomas M. | [email protected] | 3/16/1975 | 3/4/1978 | |
Kyle Madden | room109 –at– hotmail.com | 12/31/1979 | 8/1/1981 | S-2 |
Landy Lancastet | landy –at– prodigy.net | 12/12/1978 | 4/12/1981 | Welder Maintenance Plt |
Lane, William F. | lane02346 –at– comcast.net | 2/1/1971 | 12/22/1971 | |
Larry Outlaw | mrlarry28504 –at– yahoo.com | 2/6/1967 | 1/1/1969 | |
Louis Musilli | cope641 –at– roadrunner.com | 1/8/1979 | 1/14/1982 | Medic |
Mark Lenocker | 2mal — @– att.net | 4/1/1972 | 7/1/1973 | Support Platoon, APC driver |
Marty Mathisen | martymathisen –at– gmail.com | 1/31/1967 | 1/13/1968 | 4.2 Mrtr Plt FDC Specialist |
Marty Nelson | nelsonmf47 –at– hotmail.com | 3/5/1970 | 8/24/1971 | Support Platoon |
Marvin Reid | marvinreid –@— sbcglbal.net | 1/1/1978 | 1/1/1982 | |
McCartt, Peter | pmccartt –at— cfl.rr.com | 5/3/1966 | 1/1/1969 | S-4 Property Book and Hand Receipts |
Michael Livolsi | mlivolsi –at– windstream.net | 6/1/1987 | 4/1/1990 | Medic |
Nick Abate | abate1199 –at– yahoo.com | 10/23/1967 | 3/11/1968 | 4.2 mortars |
Pat Berry | Bberrythree –at– aol.com | 11/1/1958 | 2/1/1961 | |
Pat Murray | patmurray101 –at– gmail.com | 11/1/1977 | 6/1/1980 | Mechanic / Welder |
Paul Gibson | secretsQrl101 –at– gmail.com | 10/1/1982 | 4/1/1984 | also assigned to B. Co. |
Petrie, Daniel S. | Oldprodan –at– aol.com | 6/1/1968 | 12/12/1969 | Patrolled Wall & played w/ Berlin Bears Baseball |
Pitzer, Steven | duffer1950 —@– yahoo.com | 6/1/1971 | 10/20/1972 | 1st sgt driver a/training nco |
Ralph E. Moore | rmoore1000 –at– hotmail.com | 11/4/1954 | 9/8/1956 | Bn. Draftsman |
Ralph H Helman | 82vette –at– comcast.net | 1/1/1966 | 1/1/1968 | |
Ricardo Vasquez | sgtricardovasquez –at– yahoo.com | 6/1/1983 | 5/1/1984 | |
Richard A. Wood | richwoodesq –at– comcast.net | 2/15/1962 | 3/16/1964 | |
Rick Simkins | rickSimkin –at– aol.com | 10/16/1972 | 3/15/1975 | Legal Clerk |
Robert Johnson | Robersabel –at– aol.com | 2/1/1955 | 7/1/1957 | |
Robert Thompson | robertstwfarm —@– gmail.com | 4/1/1984 | 7/1/1991 | Motor pool |
Roderick Munnerlyn jr | texasvet56 –at- yahoo.com | 11/1/1975 | 1/1/1978 | |
Roger Watkins | oldbeardedguy –at– yahoo.com | 1/1/1970 | 12/1/1971 | Participant, 2G2S2 Program, NCOIC HHC 2/6 S-2. |
Ron Crittenden | roncrit –@– gmail.com | 9/10/1968 | 2/10/1970 | Legal Clerk |
Roy, Murray | murray.roy –at– gmail.com | 11/1/1969 | 5/1/1971 | Plt Ldr, XO, 4.2 Mrt Plt Ldr |
Rusty Eder | Draughts_man –at– yahoo.com | 8/1/1972 | 4/9/1975 | |
Sage, Larry Guy | judgesage -@– gmail.com | 10/21/1969 | 11/21/1971 | Hvy Mtr Plt Ldr – Best soldiers and boucoup parades! Loved the G-2 patrols in East Berlin and 6th Inf reaction plt to the Berlin Wall!! Berlin Wall |
Scott Jensen | scjens –at– yahoo.com | 6/1/1974 | 6/1/1977 | |
Steve Fleury | stevefleury1 –at– yahoo.com | 5/1/1970 | 7/1/1972 | S-3 Operations |
Steve Jensen | sdeanj –at– sbcglobal.net | 6/14/1968 | 1/10/1970 | |
Steve Weddell | jsweddell –at– msn.com | 1/19/1977 | 12/19/1978 | |
Steven Bravo | NAMEAGLE70 –at– comcast.net | 6/1/1970 | 12/1/1971 | |
Steven Churchwell | Grahamspasskid –at– yahoo.com | 10/1/1972 | 5/1/1975 | Tow truck operator , also wheel and track vehicle repairs |
Timothy Harvey | troubador1953 –at– msn.com | 2/1/1982 | 7/1/1983 | dispensary screener medic pt.care spec |
Timothy.Day | t.day1 –at– cox.net | 8/28/1969 | 10/15/1969 | |
Tom Jolley | trjolley –at– msn.com | 6/1/1975 | 3/1/1976 | |
Tom Perk | tthomaspark )at( aol.com | 6/1/1964 | 2/1/1967 | Maint. Plt |
Troy Yeske | tyeske –at- gmail.com | 1/1/1983 | 1/1/1985 | |
Trujillo, Anthony | nevadatony54 –at– yahoo.com | 5/1/1976 | 10/1/1979 | |
VandenBulke, ED | edv417 –@- yahoo.com | 1/20/1973 | 3/20/1973 | |
Viers, Mitchell | nanadunt -@– aol.com | 9/22/1971 | 3/9/1973 | Recon Plt |
W. Ronald Rechtin | ron.rec49 –at– yahoo.com | 6/1/1968 | 12/1/1969 | Recon Driver, border and East Berlin patrols |
Wayne Heroux | newlife 6478211 –at– yahoo.com | 6/15/1975 | 2/15/1978 | |
Wayne Joyce | wayne –at– cjmedicaltransportation.com | 1/7/1978 | 1/7/1980 | |
Yates, Ronald | roneyates –@- gmail.com | 10/15/1981 | 4/21/1983 | |
Yeske, Troy | tyeske –at- gmail.com | 1/1/1983 | 1/1/1985 |
2nd BN 6th INF Submissions WITHOUT Company Assignment (updated 08/20/23)
The content in this section contains submission made with 2nd Battalion, 6th Infantry but NO company assignment noted. To correct for proper notation please send email with correction. Thank you
Name | Arrive | DEROS | |
Lascari, Albert J | lascarialbert –@– sbcglobal.net | 01/07/1977 | 04/28/1979 |
Garza, Hugo | hgarza7912 –@– gmail.com | 10/5/1991 | 6/5/1983 |
If you do not see your information please consider having your contact info added to the REGISTRY.
Please use the NEW REGISTRY SUBMISSION page to provide the following information:
• Your Name:
• Your Unit Assigned:
• Date Arrived Berlin:
• Date Departed Berlin:
• OPTIONAL – What was your assignment/what did you do in Berlin? (i.e., 3rd Plt M60 Gunner)
• OPTIONAL – What State do you currently reside?
IMPORTANT: Do NOT contact anyone listed on this page with unsolicited services or offers.