42 Engineer Company – updated 17 March 2023
NAME | Arrive | Depart | Comments | |
Acklin, Marcus L | tide5301 @ gmail.com | 10/1/1992 | 8/1/1994 | |
Acosta, Arthur | aacosta –at– rubbercraft.com | 6/15/1976 | 2/13/1979 | river rats |
Bailer, Albert | albertbailer @ yahoo.com | 1/7/1968 | 9/15/1968 | |
Andis, Michael D | mda47591 –@- gmail.com | 5/15/1970 | 5/20/1972 | |
Battaglia, Joe | jlbattagl –@– aol.com | 8/20/1964 | 5/20/1965 | |
Berry, James M | yrrebk1952 –@- yahoo.com | 5/12/1970 | 10/19/1971 | |
Britton, Clyde | clyde_britton –at– yahoo.com | 10/31/1991 | 10/15/1994 | |
Brook, Micheal | mfbcjbinco –@— msn.com | 10/15/1982 | 3/1/1984 | |
Brown, Adam P. | finianblaise –at– yahoo.com | 4/1/1990 | 11/1/1993 | 1st Plt M60 during Desert Storm |
Brown, Larry J. | larsbrowniowa –@– gmail.com | 1/5/1968 | 5/1/1969 | |
Camerlengo, Larry | larcam1 @ yahoo.com | 6/15/1965 | 9/10/1966 | |
Charles (Chuck) Scarbery | chuckieray61 — @– gmail.com | 1/1/1978 | 1/1/1980 | |
Cleberg, Stanley Glenn | clebergs –@– yahoo.com | 2/15/1988 | 2/15/1988 | |
Coats, Christopher | christopher.coats –at– us.army.mil | 1/1/1987 | 12/1/1990 | |
Conway, Bob | bobswoodshop –at– att.net | 4/1/1972 | 10/8/1974 | |
Creekbaum, Curtis | creekbaumc54 –@- gmail.com | 6/21/1972 | 7/1/1974 | |
Curry, Richard | rcurryjr –@– me.com | 09/15/1985 | 09/15/1988 | |
DeHart, Steven | stevenldehart —@– gmail.com | 12/15/1983 | 7/31/1985 | |
Dan Fry | HitmanFF –at– Yahoo.com | 3/1/1986 | 11/1/1987 | Supply/Arms Room |
Daniel Shiprak | dshiprak — @– yahoo.com | 4/1/1990 | 4/1/1992 | Driver |
Darin Krenning | dkrenning –at– yahoo.com | 8/1/1988 | 8/1/1990 | |
David D. Sellers | david.d.sellers –at– us.army.mil | 1/1/1984 | 1/3/1987 | |
David L O’Connor | DLOCON3 –at– aol.com | 1/10/1971 | 4/19/1973 | Heavy Wheel Mechanic |
David M. Panko | pankopanko –at— aol.com | 5/25/1905 | 5/27/1905 | |
David McGuffin | mcguffda –at– gmail.com | 4/1/1979 | 8/1/1981 | Ribbon Bridge Section |
David Page | dwp19542004 —@– gmail.com | 6/5/1973 | 4/19/1975 | |
David R Burns | dburnsy12 –at– gmail.com | 2/1/1990 | 4/1/1993 | CEV/MCM Plt & Co Training NCOIC |
David Roe | deelroe –at– gmail.com | 5/1/1982 | 5/1/1984 | Also in 4/6 83-84 |
David S. Cox | david.cox5 –at– va.gov | 10/1/1982 | 4/12/1984 | Retired USAF in 2009 |
Delk, William Timothy | williamtdelk @ gmail.com | 3/20/1979 | 4/26/1980 | |
Dennis L Richardson | lockup_lockdown –at– yahoo.com | 11/10/1982 | 12/10/1985 | |
Dennis Taylor | Blockowood –at– gmail.com | 10/1/1980 | 7/27/1982 | |
DONATILIO DE LEON | donatiliodeleon –at— gmail.com | 6/2/1905 | ||
Ed Kyte | kyte47 –at– hotmail.com | 7/15/1982 | 12/23/1985 | Maint Plt |
Edward Kunce | mkunce –at– aol.com | 1/1/1974 | 5/1/1977 | also G-3 Bbde |
Edwards, Francis | edwardsfrank710 –@— gmail.com | 1/1/1982 | 12/31/1986 | |
Emilio J Castanon, JR. | EmilioCastanon1956 –@— gmail.com | 1/1/1976 | 1/1/1979 | |
Eric Lawson | eric_laws –at– hotmail.com | 11/1/1985 | 4/1/1988 | |
Evangelista, Robert F. | r.evangelista79 –@– yahoo.com | 1/28/1972 | 6/28/1974 | |
Faulk, Charles | charles_2yu –at– yahoo.com | 12/3/1983 | 12/7/1989 | |
Fred J Powell | fred.j.powell –at– us.army.mil | 4/17/1991 | 8/3/1994 | |
Gary Fink | garyfink265 –at– optonline.net | 2/15/1973 | 9/15/1975 | Driver E14 5Ton |
Gene Zarybnicky | gzarb –at– diodecom.net | 6/1/1966 | 8/22/1968 | |
George E. Brown | gebrown1 –at– swbell.net | 1/1/1971 | 1/1/1974 | also 1985-1989 1SG |
Glenn Scott Carter | glenn_s_carter –at– hotmail.com | 6/1/1990 | 3/1/1992 | Commo Chief |
Gooch, Cary | cary.gooch –at– yahoo.com | 1/12/1984 | 1/15/1987 | |
Greg Lindvig | glindvig –at– hotmail.com | 11/15/1982 | 5/1/1987 | |
Gressett, Billy | billygressett –at– bellsouth.net | 10/1/1974 | 5/1/1976 | |
J.Shook | sapper12b –at– comcast.net | 11/1/1987 | 11/1/1990 | |
James Houser | james.e.houser –at– us.army.mil | 2/13/1993 | 2/28/1993 | |
Jeff Bigler | duecebigler08 )at( yahoo.com | 2/1/1987 | 3/1/1990 | |
Jeff Vaillancourt | Jmvaillancourt –@— comcast.net | 12/28/1983 | 6/1/1984 | |
Jerry Bucio | Jerry2145 –at– aol.com | 7/1/1983 | 2/1/1985 | |
Jim Doughty | jimdanyel –at– hotmail.com | 1/24/1990 | 2/9/1992 | |
Jim Dunajski | jimdunajski –at– yahoo.com | 1/1/1978 | 1/1/1980 | |
Jim Shook | sapper12b –at– comcast.net | 10/1/1986 | 10/1/1989 | |
Jimmy D. Smith Jr. | greencomet –at– hotmail.com | 3/15/1993 | 2/15/1994 | |
Joe Magee | j.k.magee –@— comcast.net | 4/1/1991 | 3/1/1994 | 1st Plt |
Joe Trinca | jtrinc24 –at– aol.com | 1/14/1973 | 8/28/1975 | |
Joel Cain | joelcain –at– woh.rr.com | 2/1/1989 | 6/1/1991 | |
John Edward Vilcek | mt.gunboat —@– bresnan.net | 1/5/1974 | 12/7/1976 | |
John Leach | japleach151 –@— hotmail.com | 1/1/1987 | 1/1/1990 | looking for all Battles from the CSB. |
John Mitchell | john_penne_727 –at– msn.com | 9/1/1984 | 9/1/1987 | |
John Montville | jgm456 –at– elp.rr.com | 4/1/1982 | 2/1/1984 | |
John T Folkner | [email protected] | 1/6/1975 | 8/18/1977 | |
John Vilcek | Mt.gunboat —@— bresnan.net | 1/1/1974 | 12/1/1976 | |
Karl D Demmler | kddemmler –at– hotmail.com | 3/1/1982 | 11/1/1985 | |
Kendrick, Daniel | dkendrick –@– beardequipment.com | 04/21/1980 | 04/21/1982 | |
Kevin Clayton | [email protected] | 3/1/1985 | 3/1/1987 | |
Kevin Schuler | kevinpschuler –@— gmail.com | 1/1/1991 | 1/1/1993 | |
Lafontaine, Gary | garylafon1957 –@— yahoo.com | 10/5/1982 | 5/10/1987 | Maintenance Platoon |
Lambert , Bryan | blambert459 –@— outlook.com | 8/12/1988 | 9/21/1989 | |
Larry Miller | larrylmiller –at– hotmail.com | 1/20/1965 | 8/24/1967 | radio mechanic |
Lee Clark | bigcountry_theman –at– yahoo.com | 3/1/1993 | 3/1/1994 | |
Mark Berry | Mark.Berry98 –at- yahoo.com | 1/1/1974 | 6/13/1975 | |
Mark Le Beau | mark.lebeau –at– us.army.mil | 2/1/1991 | 3/1/1994 | |
Mark Shumbris | MSHUMBRIS –at– BIOSKIDS.COM | 3/1/1991 | 4/27/1993 | |
Marsh, Bobby NMN | marshbobby59 –@- yahoo.com | 9/9/1977 | 9/9/1979 | looking for friends |
Matthew R Wassmer | mrwassmer –at– gmail.com | 1/11/1991 | 3/15/1994 | |
Michael Aragon | mikearagon53 –at– gmail.com | 5/1/1974 | 10/1/1976 | SP4-3rd Pl/3rd Sqd, radio/driver |
Michael McCauley | smmccauley -at— earthlink.net | 1/6/1987 | 2/29/89 | Heavy Equipment Operator |
Michael Reiff | reiffla –at– aol.com | 12/1/1981 | 6/1/1983 | |
Mickey Rogers | mickey03031 –at– yahoo.com | 3/1/1975 | 5/1/1978 | |
Mike Borros | mmtoad1 –at– yahoo.com | 11/1/1977 | 7/1/1980 | |
Moberly, Brian S. | bpmoberly –at– gmail.com | 9/1/1989 | 6/1/1992 | also E 320 FA |
Morley, Kurtis | kurtisjmorley ==@= gmail.com | 12/1/1983 | 12/12/1986 | 2nd Platoon & Asst. Bn. S3. |
Norm Bossey | bosseybuilders –@— gmail.com | 11/1/1977 | 6/1/1980 | |
Oliver Chapin | OPCHAPIN – at — VERIZON.NET | 4/1/1988 | 11/1/1993 | 60 gunner |
Pat Benner | amigatec_2000 –at– yahoo.com | 2/1/1978 | 5/1/1980 | |
Paul Koehl | paul2923 –at– aol.com | 7/7/1984 | 6/19/1986 | |
Raines, Bryan E. | bryan.raines –at– us.army.mil | 3/5/1993 | 6/14/1994 | 2nd Plt, 42nd En co |
Randall Hatfield | ah1fguns –at– fairpoint.net | 3/10/1981 | 9/23/1982 | SPT PLT CEV SECTION/& RIBBON BRIDGE SECTION |
Raymond L. Harvey | e642engs –@– yahoo.com | 12/24/1971 | 5/28/1974 | |
Raymond McRae | raymcrae –at– sbcglobal.net | 8/1/1966 | 1/1/1967 | |
Reed E. Avey | reedavey –@— centurytel.net | 6/1/1979 | 6/1/1982 | |
Reed Tarkington | rtarkington –at– gmail.com | 5/1/1991 | 5/1/1994 | |
Richard Hart Jr | richardbulk –at– yahoo.com | 4/20/1984 | 3/1/1987 | |
Richard M. Rodriguez | mightymanofvalor2008 –at– comcast.net | 11/1/1981 | 7/1/1983 | 1st Platoon |
Richard Robinson | hotttrod2002 –at– yahoo.com | 2/1/1982 | 12/1/1984 | maint plt/hvy equip sqd |
Ricky Frederick | jrjfrederick23 –at– aol.com | 5/20/1986 | 11/30/1989 | |
Robert (Bob) Cullifer | bob.cullifer –at– yahoo.com | 1/4/1984 | 1/6/1987 | |
Robert C. Lewis | robertlewis7992 –at– comcast.net | 10/1/1967 | 8/1/1969 | Change e-mail |
Robert F. Evangelista | r.evangelista79 –at– yahoo.com | 1/28/1972 | 6/28/1974 | SPC/E4 HQS Plt Water Supply Section |
Robert Maple | robert.maple –at– us.army.mil | 5/10/1991 | 7/31/1993 | |
Robert Muto | e12b40 –at– aol.com | 10/1/1982 | 10/1/1986 | Also 87-90 then a D.I. in Missouri, ret.2002 |
Robert Thomas | robt1 –at– homesc.com | 4/1/1991 | 4/1/1994 | |
Robin Hutt | husky.hutt –at– sbcglobal.net | 1/1/1972 | 8/1/1974 | |
Rodney J. Britenriker | rbritenriker88 –at– gmail.com | 4/1/1965 | 10/1/1966 | |
Ronald Groehler | rlg53 –at– live.com | 1/13/1972 | 8/13/1974 | Driver and mechanic for supply |
Ronald McKim | ron_4870 –at– yahoo.com | 5/26/1976 | 1/29/1978 | |
Roome, Peter | peterroome –@— ymail.com | 6/1/1977 | 10/1/1978 | |
Ross Emerson | Rossemerson125 –at- yahoo.com | 1/1/1989 | 1/1/1992 | Desert storm |
Ross Torquato | actsd –@— hotmail.com | 1/7/1983 | 7/3/1994 | Dates may not be accurate. |
Stanley J. Nelson Jr. | stan_train –at– yahoo.com | 7/1/1968 | 2/1/1970 | |
Steve Smith | asamawah2003 –at– yahoo.com | 11/1/1990 | 11/1/1992 | 12B |
Terry Cope | oldshcoolraider –at– yahoo.com | 8/1/1980 | 11/1/1982 | |
Thomas Sanders | tom.sanders –@- terracon.com | 9/1/1972 | 1/1/1975 | CEV and AVLB section |
Todd Kjellsen | todd.l.kjellsen –at- usace.army.mil | 11/1/1981 | 12/1/1983 | 3rd platoon |
Tom Conner | TCo7644260 –at– comcast.net | 1/1/1988 | 1/1/1991 | |
Tom Shepherd | tomonline2 –at– yahoo.com | 1/12/1965 | 11/18/1965 | |
Tony Grant | tony.grant –at– nucor.com | 1/1/1989 | 1/1/1991 | |
Travis Gray | tgrayok3 –at– hotmail.com | 5/1/1991 | 5/1/1994 | |
Troy Lowe | tlowe22_69 –at– yahoo.com | 1/1/1991 | 1/1/1993 | 1st Plt |
Vilcek John Edward | mt.gunboat -@- bresnan.net | 1/3/1974 | 12/7/1976 | Just seeing if I remember or someone remembers me from Andrews barracks |
Wayne Skiff | wayneskiff — @– gmail.com | 2/2/1972 | 1/10/1973 | |
Wilbert Barnes | barneswh — @– embarqmail.com | 3/17/1972 | 3/25/1977 | Also from 7/15/85 to 3/28/90 Cbt Spt Bn |
William Kibler | billavs2003 –at– yahoo.com | 8/1/1988 | 6/12/1990 | |
Williams, Bob | bcw84 –at– msn.com | 2/1/1976 | 9/1/1978 | |
Vorberg, William | vorberg1 –at– gmail.com | 4/13/1990 | 1/1/1992 |
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• Your Name:
• Your Unit Assigned:
• Date Arrived Berlin:
• Date Departed Berlin:
• OPTIONAL – What was your assignment/what did you do in Berlin? (i.e., 3rd Plt M60 Gunner)
• OPTIONAL – What State do you currently reside?
IMPORTANT: Do NOT contact anyone listed on this page with unsolicited services or offers.