4th Battalion – 6th Infantry

A Company – updated 7 July 2024
Aker Jr., Duncan D. duncanakerjr  –at–  yahoo.com3/1/19734/1/1975 
Becker Jr., Danmossjumper  –at–  msn.com4/30/19748/5/19762nd Plt / Wpns Sqd
Carrasquillo, Ronxrolds –at– charter.net4/1/19737/1/1980also in HHC Bn Commo
Cheney, Daryncondor890  –at–  hotmail.com12/1/19787/1/1981 
Colburn, Russell E. nomadicman2  –at–  yahoo.com2/20/198112/13/1983Mortar Plt
Curtis Walkerwalkercssj2 –@— aol.com1/1/19781/1/1980served in A Company 4/6 Inf. As a young SSG with many memories. 
Downey, William Frankrankfruth –@— gmail.com8/30/19749/1/1975
Fisher, Eddy S. stevefisher4  –at–  aol.com11/1/197412/15/19751st Plt, 2nd Sqd
Frazier, Jeff “Joe” jfrazier  –at–  nnrj.state.va.us5/1/19781/1/1981 
Graper, Keith kdg0514  –at–  yahoo.com3/1/197310/1/19741st Plt
Grigsby, Claytonclayton19  –at–  bellsouth.net8/15/19804/23/1980 
Guerrero, Antonio T. Leonlfastpitch  –at–  web.de6/27/19806/27/1984Mortars
Harwood, James P jharwood3  –at–  satx.rr.com6/1/19826/1/1984 
Hoffman, Barry bardeb81 –@— hotmail.com7/1/19787/1/1980 
Hudson, Tonytbonya —@– hotmail.com1/1/198112/31/1982 
Jones, Stanstan6542  –at–  yahoo.com9/1/197411/1/19752 & 3 Plt
Kaufman, Terry tlkaufmansr  –at–  verizon.net4/1/19804/1/1983 
Lee, RonRlee106  –at–  hotmail.com7/3/198111/9/198281mm mortars
Lier, Halhal.lier  –at–  gmail.com6/1/197212/1/1974A-4-6 and HHC
McWhorter, Joe joemcwhorter –at– att.net9/21/19721/23/19751st Platoon, Weapons Squad
Miller, Walter D. dotschange  –at–  aol.Com1/1/19821/1/1984 
Oliver, Charlesthechazzmann  –at–  yahoo.com10/31/197710/29/19791st Plt Gunner
Plummer Jr , Franklin Louistogo4fish -@– yahoo.com1/9/1975  
Richins, Michael richinsmike  –at–  hotmail.com12/20/19736/8/1976 
Scott, Billy Darrellbillyscott868 –@— gmail.com4/26/197210/24/1976 
Sledge, Charles thebattersout  –at–  yahoo.com12/1/197912/1/1981for all the good times
Steinkohl, Paulravenscale2  –at–  aol.com7/7/19803/7/1983Supply
Thompson, Joseph H.[email protected]7/27/19758/28/1978 
Thompson, ScottStbetterton –at- gmail.com7/10/19826/30/1984 
Valdez, Ricky[email protected]1/1/19821/1/1984 
Wortham, Dennissaturnden13 –@— gmail.com9/1/1966  
B Company – updated 6 March 2022
Alford, William D.prelude88minor -@– gmail.com3/15/19737/7/1973The injury I received while on active duty sent me home too soon.
Arbogast, Stephen sja_ski  –at–  yahoo.com7/25/19771/10/1980I played the M60 in 1st Platoon
Auspitz, Andya_ausp  –at–  hotmail.com6/10/19722/1/1973 
Bezemer, Larry lbezemer  –at–  cableone.net12/1/19742/1/1976Arms Room
Bill Coffman, Billcoffman5821  –at–  gmail.com9/1/19779/1/1980Training NCO
Blauser, Greg gblauser1960  –at–  comcast.net1/12/19811/12/1983Wpns Sqd 1 plt M60 gunner
Brady, Patrick patrick_brady  –at–  hotmail.com2/6/19827/31/1984WPNS Sd, 2nd Plt 90mm gunner
Brenner, Steven Abeetle.n.popeye —@— gmail.com9/12/19757/2/1980Spent entire tour in B-4/6 Mortars.  Berlin was BY-FAR my favorite assignment during my nearly 22-yrs in uniform!  Served with lots of great soldiers.
Brewton, Marc marccbrewton –at- gmail.com8/1/19808/1/1982Rifleman/M-203 Grenadier
Cisco, Dale E.mech_troop  –at–  hotmail.com7/7/19777/1/1983Mrtr PLT
Clayman, Clifford clcsr  –at–  live.com1/1/19725/1/197481mm mortar Plt & B/4/18
Coffey, Brent A. brentramona  –at–  frontiernet.net10/1/197710/1/1979 
Cook III, Henry Grady gradioc  –at–  webtv.net9/1/19825/19/1984Driver/RTO
Danforth, Kevin ktdan1  –at–  msn.com8/1/198010/10/19832nd Plt
Douglas, Kirk kdouble01  –at–  yahoo.com1/1/19833/1/19852nd plt Dragon,M-60,90 Gunner
Downey, Billbjd34  –at–  prodigy.net2/12/19822/14/198490mm Weapons Squad
Downey, Williambjd34  –at–  prodigy.net2/1/19822/1/198490mm for life
Fitzgerald, Johnjfitz261  –at–  gmail.com6/20/197512/18/19783rd Plt – 3rd Sqd/Wpn Sqd & HHC
Garrett, James [email protected]10/1/19728/1/1976 
Goggin, Patrickpgoggin -@- hotmail.com9/10/19833/15/1984 
Hollenbeck, Rayfuzz –@- mtaonline.net12/18/19717/6/1973 
Hudson, Tonytbonya —@– hotmail.com1/1/198112/31/1982 
Jacob, Martin martinj725  –at–  yahoo.com1/1/19838/1/1984 
Kirkendall, Richard (Rick)richard.kirkendall  –at–  va.gov5/1/19825/1/1984 
Laforce, Peter  Lplaforce99 —@– gmail.com12/5/19766/11/1979 
Ledesma, Joe Hernandez [email protected]4/20/197210/19/1973Sp/4 81mm Mortars section leader, gun# 3 
Martin, Roger L. Martrog  –at–  live.com8/23/19828/21/1984also in 6/502 after redesignation
Massey, DaleDale_shannon –at– hotmail.com9/1/19805/14/198390mm gunner 60 and morters.Fire for effect
McDermott, John1johnesox –@— gmail.com10/1/19663/1/1968 
McPeck, Don  mcpuck86  –at–  aol.com3/17/19829/17/1984Mtrs
Neely, Melvin neelymdn  –at–  yahoo.com7/1/19752/12/1979 
Ness, Robertcuffs565  –at–  yahoo.com9/1/198210/1/1984 
Newport, Christopher M.newportc110 -@– gmail.com6/1/197211/6/1974EBerlin changed everything. I miss Germany and the People
Pierce, Michael piercemm2 –@ — msn.com8/16/197811/15/1980Mortar PLT
Rajewski, Robert bravo6502  –at–  comcast.net3/11/198412/6/1985also in 6/502 after redesignation
Riley, Jamesjer_aggie61 –@— att.net11/23/19635/11/1965 
Roy, Daledalewroy  –at–  hotmail.com4/1/19824/1/1986B/4/6 (82-84) & HHC/6/502 (84-86)
Siegel, Kentkentsiegel  –at–  ameritech.net7/1/19748/30/1975 
Smith, Shaneshanesmith572  –at–  sbcglobal.net9/1/19825/1/19841st Plt
Speener, Dave peoria1  –at–  gmail.com7/4/19735/14/1974Mortar Plt
Stephenson, Donalddonnmichelle2014 –@– yahoo.com11/20/19716/11/1974
Stowell, Hershel xlor82  –at–  aol.com3/1/197911/15/1980 
Templeton, Alan Sazt1234 —@— hotmail.com1/7/19821/3/19852nd Platoon
Walden, Sammy J.sjwaldenjr -@-  yahoo.com7/4/197611/30/1979Served in Mortar Platoon
Watts, Dennis Majrgr –@— yahoo.com12/1/198011/1/1983 
Weisenberg, Arthurartie62 –@– email.com4/25/197810/8/19812nd Platoon, M203 and Fire Team Leader
Woods, Charles Davidcdwoods2004 —@– sbcglobal.net1/10/19741/21/1986Served as an RTO -2Plt, Commander’s Driver and Squad Leader – 3rd Plt. 
C Company – updated 30 January 2022
Barnes, Bill barneshhc375  –at–  hotmail.com6/12/19766/22/1979Commo Sgt
Borders, Reginald H. rbor377818  –at–  aol.com12/10/19754/7/19778yrs in BBDE
Bramhall, Bill bbramhall –@— carolina.rr.com5/1/19693/1/1970 
Burke, Larry larryburke9731  –at–  yahoo.com9/1/197211/7/1973 
Burlock, Waynewayneburlock13 —@- gmail.com6/10/19771/17/1980 
Conrad, Brian K brianconrad16 –@– gmail.com12/6/197612/6/1979 
Craig, Scott E. scraig23  –at–  cfl.rr.com11/15/19805/15/1982 
Deale, Bobranger0570 – at — gmail.com1/10/19708/24/1971I’m looking for anyone who was there when I was.
Drexler, David Wdavedrex —@— gci.net11/15/19805/12/1982 
Dycus, Lawrence Ldycus –@— cox.net6/1/19781/1/1981 
Folk, Thomas R. tfolk1  –at–  cox.net3/1/19737/31/1975 
Haile, Rickey H. hailerh  –at–  yahoo.com12/1/19728/1/1974 
Jackson, David B. dirtydave55  –at–  aol.com6/15/19736/10/1976 
JamesTAZZCVMA –at— gmail.com1/1/197410/1/1975CO’s RTO
Johns, Chuck chuck.johns  –at–  comcast.net3/15/19733/19/19753Plt Co Clk CO’s radio operator Mrtr plt
Jones, Craig H  Srjaysight055  –at–  gmail.com6/1/19772/1/1985also with CSC 4/6 and B 3/6.
Lopez, Mario lopeztr  –at–  yahoo.com5/1/19805/1/1982 
McAbee, Theodore Wsnickers3 – @– frontiernet.net4/1/19844/1/1986 
McCarty, Clay esk  –at–  insightbb.com6/6/19796/18/19812nd Plt
McCoy, Alexamccoy1953 –@— gmail.com1/1/19771/11/1979 
McCumber, Robert B. macs  –at–  ortelco.net6/11/19796/11/1982 
Miller, Roger Aramjetvet —at– gmail.com6/1/19826/1/1985
Morse, Lenla.morse –@— comcast.net2/20/19714/10/1973 
Parlette, Lynn olyhx —@–  hotmail.com10/8/197412/20/1976“All The Way” C-4-6.  Weapons squad third platoon most of my time in Berlin.  Highlights of my tour was guarding Hess at Spandau and escort guard for Hubert Humphey. I can remember 6 “zone” deployments.
Sanger, Clay clays  –at–  berlin.com10/1/197710/1/1979 
Seabolt, Skip skipseabolt  –at–  hotmail.com1/1/19748/1/1977Also HHC
Watson, Keith daddywatt  –at–  excite.com1/1/19801/1/1984 
Wichmann, Thomas D. grunt55  –at–  verizon.net1/5/197912/1/1980 
Wood, Danny R. danny.r.wood  –at–  us.army.mil4/1/19828/1/1983XO
Combat Support Company – updated 17 March 2024
Broadway, Michael dondeladondon  –at–  yahoo.com5/1/19848/1/1986best times
Burnley, Mark wheat6090  –at–  msn.com4/1/197611/15/1978Redeye
Carey, Frank whitehog69 —@– yahoo.com3/6/19793/11/1982Commo
Carey, Frank Awhitehog69 —@— yahoo.com3/17/19793/2/1982 
clifford, s [email protected]9/1/19796/1/1983 
Collins, Kenny ssh_f  –at–  yahoo.com12/29/19776/20/1979 
Cordisco, Dave davecordisco –@— aol.com1/7/19791/1/1984 
Cordova, VIctorbxvillevic –@— gmail.com12/1/19736/1/1977 
Cos, Clifford S. (Steve) texstevec– AT –aol.com11/1/19732/1/1977 
Cossu. Bruno bcossu  –at–  juno.com12/1/197612/1/19794.2
Davis, Phillip davphi29 —@– hotmail.com11/15/19763/15/1979Scout Platoon
Flynn, Bob bfly0928  –at–  aol.com1/1/19729/1/1974 
Geswender, Kurt kurtg  –at–  cableone.net1/15/19738/10/1976Recon
Gobey, Jeffery R. [email protected]1/30/197712/30/1980REDEYE
Gomez, John (Steve) stevegom  –at–  woh.rr.com7/11/197710/15/1979 
Grover, Karl turkey2_52  –at–  hotmail.com2/6/19738/29/1975Anti-Tank Plt
Harrison, Steve saharrison5015  –at–  bex.net5/5/197511/18/1976Recon
Hicks, George P.ghicks3245 –@- gmail.com2/1/19729/5/1974 
Hudspeth, Frank Allen frankndeb_94  –at–  yahoo.com1/1/197610/1/1978TOW
Jackson, Grant S. bravooneone  –at–  aol.com12/9/19711/9/1974Recon plt
James, Edward “PJ” mastersergeantj  –at–  sbcglobal.net9/9/19772/28/1980Recon Plt
Jones, Kennethtopjones55 -@– hotmail.com4/1/19794/1/1982I was a Squad Leader in the 4.2″ Mortar Platoon
Joyce, Jim Amvet1954  –at–  Roadrunner.com2/15/19739/20/1975Sct Plt Medic
Klauk. Steven sklauksr  –at–  yahoo.com12/1/19758/1/1977Scout Plt
Knight, Douglass rtlionheart1191  –at–  yahoo.com10/1/19827/1/198460-gunner
LaBarge, Thomas labarge504  –at–  verizon.net3/15/19762/15/1979TOW Platoon
Lee, Richard rick-lee  –at–  t-online.de5/1/197712/27/1980Recon
Leone, Marc marc.leone  –at–  yahoo.com11/5/198211/3/1984Tow Platoon – TRNG NCO
Lowrance, Garry garryocpd  –at–  att.net10/1/19715/10/1974Recon Plt
Mann, Bennie Wills Jr[email protected]12/22/1977  
Mitchell, Bill wtmitchell  –at–  verizon.net12/1/19736/1/1975 
Moore, Jimi Buelligan  –at–  ymail.com1/1/198212/1/1983 
Moreland, Dave Lawrence.Moreland  –at–  us.army.mil5/10/19786/5/1981Scout Tm Ldr
Myres III, Frank QuietMrE  –at–  yahoo.com9/1/19771/1/19804.2 Mrtrs
Nelson, Jan R jannelsonjp8  –at–  yahoo.com10/1/198010/1/1983 
Newell, Timothy D. Tdnewell61 — @– – gmail.com8/2/19816/7/1985CSC Co 4/6 inf Recon Plt. B Co  6/502 inf. 3 Rd Plt. 2nd Squad
Pascoe, David Freedad56  –at–  yahoo.com3/12/19797/1/19814.2 Mortars
Rafferty, Terry zennatmsn.com10/10/197910/10/1981I was also in Berlin 5/502nd Inf 1989-91
Rego, John jrego  –at–  aol.com8/26/19762/15/1981Recon – Wall Patrol
Rials, Lee adamhaddam  –at–  yahoo.com9/21/19749/21/1978 
Roach. Robert  roachr2  –at–  yahoo.com3/1/19737/1/1977 
Rodriguez-Kroeger, William kroegerii  –at–  aol.com7/11/19771/26/1980TOW Plt
Smith, Timothy D. ssoldierboy64  –at–  aol.com2/18/198310/28/1985Anti-Tank PLT 
Stockwell, Brian Hstockwellbhs –@– gmail.com2/1/19777/1/1978Redeye/Supply
Thomson, Donald G. don  –at–  judgethomson.com8/31/197211/1/1973 
Trujillo, Theodoro Mttrujillo47 –@— gmail.com4/18/19726/8/1976 
Headquarters & Headquarters Company – updated 7 July 2024
Barnes, Brian Rbrbckc01 –@- aol.com1/12/19831/15/1985Past Commander of the VFW Post 10506
Bates, Jimmiejimmiebates  –at–  bellsouth.net6/1/19789/1/1980BATTALION MAINTENANCE OFFICER
Benefield, Murray murraybenefield  –at–  aol.com10/1/19779/1/1980Training NCO/Co Cdr Driver
Boyer, Brookebbrapier   –at–   yahoo.com5/1/19745/1/1978Medic. Worked in McNair Barracks Dispencery
Brimfield, Terryterrybrim1  –at–  yahoo.com9/20/19799/21/1982Commo Wire Chief
Brooks, Jeffery A brooksj145 –@—  yahoo.com1/1/19763/1/1979 
Brown, K.C.brownkc  –at–  cox.net9/5/19747/23/1977Bn S-1; HHC Cdr
Bubb, Leo J leojeffreybubb  –at–  aol.com3/23/19833/29/1985S4 Shop
Burkhart, Eddie eddiedahunter  –at–  gmail.com7/1/19748/31/1978SFC
Butler, Michael D. seahawk7036  –at–  hotmail.com1/3/19839/20/1984 
Callahan, Joseph A.Joseph.Callahan  –at–  aol.com8/30/19773/8/1980Cdr’s Driver and worked in Supply
Caudill, Greg gregcaudill  –at–  hotmail.com1/1/19761/1/1979 
Christensen, Mark mark.cw4  –at–  gmail.com11/15/19766/10/1980 
Crapse Jr., Lester E (Gene) Lestc2000 –@— yahoo.com1/1/19741/1/1976Commo Officer/ Platoon Leader for 4/6 Inf,  CO Signal Support Company
Deanm Kenneth A. ka_dean  –at–  hotmail.com11/1/19771/1/1982 
Donelson, Andrewandrew.donelson  –at–  us.army.mil10/12/19891/18/1991 
Edwards, Chuckcledwards_99 – @ — yahoo.com2/4/19769/1/1978CSC Medic
Edwards, GaryEdwardsG76  –at–  Comcast.net9/1/198311/1/1984Trans platoon
Edwards, Mikemrnurseguy  –at–  msn.com2/23/197912/15/1981Also in A/4/6
Ellingson, Jamesjamesellingson –@— hotmail.com9/5/19814/6/1984 
Ellingson, James Ejamesellingson –@– hotmail.com4/7/19817/6/1984Medical platoon
Fitzpatrick, Timothy F. tffitz –at– aol.com1/1/19808/1/1983also in HHC BBDE
Foster, Hughhfoster99  –at–  comcast.net5/1/19745/8/1977Co.Cdr., BN S-4
Fox, Bruce R.jsimmonsfox   –at–   msn.com1/1/19781/1/1981Bn Chem NCO, Bde Chem NCO
Guszregan, DanDGuszregan  –at–  aol.com1/1/19731/1/1977 
Hansen, Timhansen1229  –at–  aol.com9/1/19763/1/1982also B/4/6 and HHC HQ.
Hardesty, Jimhardestyenvironmental  –at–  netzero.com12/1/19801/19/1983 
Helman, Ralph H 82vette –at– comcast.net1/1/19661/1/1968 
Hill, Jimjbj2132002 –@— sbcglobal.net5/1/19776/1/1980Medic Plt
Horton Jr., John L shilohin1955 –at- gmail.com1/1/19755/29/1975TOW platoon
Houts, Garygaryhouts  –at–  aol.com5/7/198012/1/1982 
Ishee, Waynewaynentx  –at–  rocketmail.com3/1/19728/29/1975 
Jones (TJ), Terrance R tj452  –at–  hotmail.com7/3/19766/28/1978Trans & NBC NCO
Klimovitch, Bradbrad  –at–  nvamc.com8/1/19753/16/1976Supply Room Clerk
Lara, DanielDamdan007 –@— gmail.com10/14/19751/28/1978 
Lattimore, Herbert E. ubija  –at–  aol.com10/22/197511/21/1978Co. XO, PLDR Scout PLDR, 81 MM Mortar PLDR
Maxwell, Robert A. maxcoyotera  –at–  yahoo.com1/30/19793/29/1982 
Mayer, Michael mike_mayer23 –at– hotmail.com7/14/19827/14/1984 
Morin, Richard Morinriv  –at–  aol.com7/1/196212/1/19644th Battalion/CommoPlt
Munson, Steve onesam52 –@— gmail.com1/1/19731/1/1975Motor Pool
Peachey, Shem T. stpeachey  –at–  hotmail.com12/23/19734/18/1976Motor Pool
Pinador, Josephhookena2  –at–  yahoo.com6/1/19768/1/1977 
Planz, Garyplanzg –at–  yahoo.de1/2/19749/30/1977S3 & C Co.
Reuter, Johnbuickharley– AT –gmail,com1/1/19801/1/1982 
Rottman, Jr, George B.”Biff” grottman  –at–  triad.rr.com2/10/19739/11/1974Drvr & S3 draftsman
Schmutzler, Paul R. paul.schmutzler  –at–  us.army.mil3/17/19801/20/1981Operations assistant with 4/6 IN.
Shaw Jr., William J.sgmbill79 –@— gmail.com4/1/19544/1/1957Regimental Communications across from the starlight club next to the chapel Currently retired in Berlin I am retired Army Sergeant Major
Siegel, Ferdinand fsiegel9963 — @–  att.net10/16/197610/16/1979Sergeant, Medical Platoon
Sierra, Raul raulsierra73 –at– gmail.com4/1/19803/1/1984
Starkey, Kurtkurtstarkey  –at–  rocketmail.com11/1/19784/1/1981BATTALION S2
Varela, Johnrentnot  –at–  aol.com2/20/197510/15/1977Commo platoon
Vickery, Tommythvickery  –at–  aol.com1/1/19801/1/1983Drill Team
Vilicich, Steve okikozo  –at–  sbcglobal.net4/15/19776/16/1980HHC XO
Walker, Billthehippy99  –at–  hotmail.com12/1/19736/1/1976
Walsh, Pete bbqguy47  –at–  yahoo.com4/1/19735/1/1975Bn Commo
White, S.C.1scwhite1  –at–  gmail.com3/3/197511/25/1975Medical Platoon,BAS ,Hammelburg 1975
Wilkinson, Greg copperhead19592004  –at–  yahoo.com7/22/19801/28/1982i was a medic in alpha company
Willbanks, Stewart stewartwillbanks  –at–  att.net4/1/19747/1/1976Motor Pool
Wollard, Michael shermcca –at– hotmail.com8/1/196611/1/1967Battalion Message Center
Wood, Robert SLVEGL99  –at–  aol.com5/28/19835/29/1984Bn Cdr
Yates, Andy Kkilodog01  –at–  yahoo.com1/1/19781/1/1980 

If you do not see your information please consider having your contact info added to the REGISTRY.
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• Your Name:
• Your Unit Assigned:
• Date Arrived Berlin:
• Date Departed Berlin:
• OPTIONAL – What was your assignment/what did you do in Berlin? (i.e., 3rd Plt M60 Gunner)
• OPTIONAL – What State do you currently reside?

IMPORTANT: Do NOT contact anyone listed on this page with unsolicited services or offers.