HHC Berlin Brigade (A-L) – updated 21 April 2024
Allen, David | dallen –at– pmp(dot)org | 11/1/1971 | 7/1/1975 | |
Alvarado, John R | pplcol06 –at– gmail(dot)com | 2/3/1986 | 2/21/1989 | RTO – HHC BBDE Chief of RTO 1986-1989 |
Alves, Mike | stinger1110 –at– cox(dot)net | 7/15/1991 | 9/15/1994 | ADA (Stinger) Plt |
Arce, A Alex | [email protected] | 1/1/1987 | 2/1/1990 | HQ, Office of the Commanding General, Berlin Brigade |
Asher, Rick | rasher6659 –at– yahoo(dot)com | 7/1/1991 | 7/1/1994 | ADA (Stinger) Plt |
Barnes, Brian R | brbckc01 –@- aol.com | 5/16/1986 | 6/23/1989 | Past Commander of the VFW Post 10506 |
Barrett, Thomas | Therapy143 –@– gmail.com | 7/19/1989 | 2/4/1993 | |
Bartee, Brad A. | bradbartee –at– hotmail(dot)com | 7/1/1988 | 10/25/1991 | |
Basker, Jeffery | jbasker –at– carolina.rr(dot)com | 7/1/1981 | 6/1/1984 | |
Bates, Daniel G. | last email address not working | 6/1/1992 | 9/1/1994 | USAREUR Regional Contracting Office, United States Berlin Command |
Beam, Charles | handloader99 –at — hotmail.com | 5/10/1970 | 4/20/1972 | Finance and Accounting Office |
Behymer, Monika (Schmalenberger] | monika8 –at– embarqmail(dot)com | 5/1/1968 | 12/31/1972 | Finance and Accounting Office |
Billy (no last name provided) | bnorthcut –at– hotmail.com | 12/1/1968 | 12/1/1969 | AG Records |
Blume, Heidi | heiblume –at– gmail(dot)com | 10/1/1989 | 8/1/1992 | Radio Room, Commo Plt |
Booker, Robert | rbooker_04429 –at– yahoo(dot)com | 4/1/1967 | 10/1/1969 | G-2 Security |
Borkoski, Sigmund J | sborko —@— sbcglobal.net | 5/1/1964 | 6/1/1966 | The Berlin Brigade assignment I had with the United States Army was and still is a great experience. |
Bowman, Gregory | gregory.bowman1 –at– us.army.mil | 1/1/1987 | 7/15/1989 | G-2 |
Branlund, Robert | rbranlund –at– gmail(dot)com | 1/1/1986 | 1/1/1988 | G-3 & DBC |
Broad, James | james.broad –@— cyber-recon.com | 2/4/1989 | 4/4/1991 | |
Brown, Barbara | BFRED88 –at– YAHOO(dot)com | 6/1/1988 | 5/1/1990 | |
Brown, Michael R. | Cabin2100 –at– gmail(dot)com | 1/1/1980 | 12/1/1986 | USCOB – Office USCOB Protocol |
Brune, Larry D. | larry.brune –at– hotmail(dot)com | 6/2/1982 | 12/15/1984 | |
Bucklin, David | davidbucklin –at– yahoo(dot)com | 1/7/1991 | 6/15/1994 | Commo PLT |
Burtnett, Richard J. | [email protected] | 10/1/1986 | 6/1/1990 | |
Chalifoux, Richard J | richard.chalifoux –at– sbcglobal(dot)net | 11/1/1976 | 10/1/1980 | |
Cimral, Ted | t.cimral –at– aol(dot)com | 7/1/1966 | 7/1/1967 | |
Clayton, J.E. | jec157 –at- sbcglobal.net | 6/1/1966 | 6/1/1968 | CINCUSNAVEURREPBER (US Navy) |
Cleaver, Bob | cleaverb –at– hotmail(dot)com | 10/1/1967 | 10/1/1969 | Finance and Accounting Office |
Coady, Paul G | cchpgc –at– yahoo(dot)com | 11/19/1971 | 5/21/1973 | Bn HQ |
Cobb, John G. | jgarteth –at– gmail.com | 1/1/1980 | 1/1/1985 | ACofS, G-2 |
Comer. Dwayne Metteau | H70C152 –@— aol.com | 7/13/2061 | 7/5/2063 | |
Conner, Herb | hdmbe5 —@— embarqmail.com | 2/1/1973 | 7/1/1976 | G-3 Operations |
Cooley, John L. | jcooley1147 —@– gmail.com | 12/2/1969 | 1/4/1971 | AG Postal Unit Main APO //HHC Special Troops, AG Div. |
Coronado, Yoly | yoly24seminole –at– yahoo(dot)com | 1/1/1975 | 12/1/1975 | Post Gym on Andrews |
Cottrell, Michael | cottrellmic28 –@- gmail.com | 1/5/1984 | 1/4/1986 | Transportation Division |
Cummins, Patrick | thecomyn –at– aol(dot)com | |||
Dalton, Domenica | djdalton58 –at– yahoo(dot)com | 10/10/1981 | 10/10/1983 | SIDPERS |
Donndelinger, Jim | jdonndelinger1 —@– yahoo.com | 11/23/1972 | 5/25/1975 | G-3 Training and Admim |
Dorer, Brian | [email protected] | 1/1/1982 | 1/1/1985 | EOC returned in ’87 to ’90 |
Dreibelbis, Tom | tdreibelbis –at– yahoo(dot)com | 12/14/1961 | 6/15/1963 | S-2 |
Eckerberg, Peter A | manwithnoname –at– att(dot)net | 2/1/1991 | 6/4/1994 | |
Ellis, Howard A. | luftbrucke1 –at– aol(dot)com | 2/1/1949 | 2/28/1950 | Berlin Observer |
Evans, Dave | djevans77 –at- centurylink.net | 9/1/1966 | 3/3/1969 | Andrews Barracks, RM 318 |
Farina, Cheryl (Keirstead) | cherylfarina –at– ymail(dot)com | 4/14/1982 | 10/14/1983 | Dining Facility |
Fitzgerald (Roberts), Phyllis A. | fitzmiss –at– yahoo(dot)com | 5/1/1981 | 5/1/1985 | ODCSI Clay Compound |
Foreman, Perry | PalmaCeiaBoys –at– msn(dot)com | 1/2/1976 | 6/12/1978 | |
Fowler, Barbara | barb13 –at– windstream(dot)net | 8/13/1969 | 7/1/1980 | Finance and Accounting Office |
Frye, John | JFrye13 –at– tampabay.rr(dot)com | 5/6/1971 | 6/20/1974 | USAG |
Gaither, Gary D. | gdgaither –at– gmail(dot)com | 1/1/1986 | 1/1/1994 | ACofS, G-2(then USMLM) |
Genzel (Strangmann), Achim | achim_deh –at– yahoo(dot)com | 5/15/1968 | 12/31/1993 | Dir of Eng & H Util. Div./Eng. Plans & Svcs Div |
Gerhart, Richard | gerhart_richard –@— comcast.net | 9/15/1966 | 3/15/1969 | Supply & Service Division. Loved the duty over in Berlin |
Gill, Lawrence | Odbert –at– yahoo(dot)com | 1/1/1987 | 1/1/1988 | |
Godfrey, Mike | rangod85 –at— gmail.com | 7/1/1989 | 7/1/1992 | Company Commander |
Grim, Paul | paul.grim –at– us.army.mil | 12/2/1973 | 7/5/1975 | Finance and Accounting Office |
Grabowiecki, Robert | bob —@– bomardesignct.com | 4/15/1968 | 1/23/1970 | Berlin Engraver Nick name Witchy |
Green, Robert Bruce | rbgreen @ fct4us.net | 6/1/1980 | 6/15/1982 | USACC |
Guenther, Heinz | hguenther911t —@— gmail.com | 1/1/1964 | 1/1/1961 | General’s Driver |
Guy, Douglas | dguy –at– provisionlogistics(dot)com | 3/1/1991 | 5/1/1993 | |
Guyden, Thomas | t2guyden –@— gmail.com | 8/1/1989 | 10/1/1992 | |
Hatfield, Duane | dadco102751 –at– hotmail(dot)com | 3/1/1973 | 10/1/1975 | Chaplain’s Division |
Hicks, Jacqueline | jackieztalkradio –@— outlook.com | 1/1/1981 | 1/1/1982 | Berlin Brigade Motorpool |
Hiner, Charles P | chuck508 –@— yahoo.com | 7/15/1987 | 1/4/1990 | |
Holman, Sanford E. | sanford.holman –at– us.army.mil | 3/1/1983 | 9/1/1986 | Allied Staff |
Jacob, Jake | Jake_jacob– AT –mail.com | 12/27/1992 | 7/8/1994 | 287th MP Co. |
Jones, Willard E. | ahoskie –@— roadrunner.com | 12/28/1969 | 4/1/1972 | Postal Unit |
Joseph, Jerry | jdjtn– AT –comcast(dot)net | 6/1/1973 | 6/1/1976 | DCSI |
Kelly, John J. | jkelly3428 –at– aol(dot)com | 4/1/1985 | 6/1/1988 | G-3 |
Klinner, William (Billy) | billy.klinner —@— gmail.com | 4/1/1971 | 9/16/1973 | Radio Branch |
Kornutick, Peter W. | pwkcpa –at– ptd(dot)net | 2/1/1971 | 3/1/1972 | |
Lara, Daniel | Damdan007 —@– gmail.com | 10/14/1975 | 1/28/1978 | |
LeBlanc, Dennis | leblancdr –@- – live.com | 12/8/1968 | 10/20/1971 | G3 – Served with then SFC JC Moss, MAJ Gunter Rathnow. Looking for 1LT Terry Trimble |
Lowsen, Sheree Bradley | sheree1704 –@— aol.com | 1/1/1967 | 12/31/1968 | Teacher @ Berlin-American High Schoo |
HHC Berlin Brigade (M-R) – updated 5 March 2023
Madsen, Pamela | pjp1014 –at– hotmail(dot)com | 8/31/1974 | 7/21/1977 | Finance and Accounting Office |
Makerick, Richard | rkmliz -@— comcast.net | 1/3/1978 | 8/1/1979 | S-1 |
Martinson, Dennis George | slimray30 –@— gmail.com | 9/1/1969 | 3/16/1972 | USCOB – Office of the Chief of Staff, Berlin Brigade |
Mawer, Howard K | kent29542 –at– comcast(dot)net | 2/1/1961 | 8/1/1963 | AG Classified Control |
McArdle, James | jmcardle33 — @— gmail.com | 9/1/1986 | AG | |
McCarty, Mario | murdoc30 –at– yahoo(dot)com | 7/18/1994 | ||
McGuire, Desmond P | desmcguire –at– yahoo(dot)com | 1/1/1960 | 1/1/1963 | Rec Center at Wannsee |
McKim, Michael | [email protected] | 7/1/1963 | 1/1/1965 | Office of DBC |
McKinney, Ray | nsnty4x –at– yahoo(dot)com | 11/15/1992 | 6/15/1994 | Commo |
Metzler, Phil | pmetz10212 –at– aol(dot)com | 1/30/1960 | 3/31/1963 | Postal Unit – Postal Ofcr & Admin. Svcs. Ofcr AG Staff |
Michael J Bik | mikbik –@— aol.com | 1/2/1967 | 2/18/2068 | AG – Personnel |
Michel, John | micheljohn –at– hotmail(dot)com | 2/10/1988 | 1/7/1992 | |
Miner, Anna T. | annaminer –at– hotmail(dot)com | 12/1/1973 | 10/1/1976 | Reenlistment, DCSI |
Muller, Frank | mfs7672 –at– comcast(dot)net | 1/1/1986 | 10/1/1989 | G-3 |
Mullins, Andy | andymullins –at– comcast(dot)net | 12/15/1984 | 11/7/1986 | 521st Maint |
Neyland, Mayo W | neylandbobbi49 –@– gmail.com | 6/1/1980 | 7/10/1984 | |
Parr, Joe | awrise95– AT –aol(dot)com | 2/1/1968 | 5/1/1969 | US Army Evaluation Unit |
Parson, Clayton (Skip) | Cl.parsons –@— yahoo.com | 6/16/1969 | 9/13/1971 | |
Perry, Dave | daveperry –at– hotmail(dot)com | 1/17/1977 | 9/15/1979 | |
Pettit, Edward H. | edsupusa –at– msn(dot)com | 1/25/1963 | 7/24/1965 | |
Pike, Frederick “Rick” W. | Fwchatham –@— yahoo.com | 1/1/1967 | ||
Piquero, Jose | Jpiquero –at– optonline(dot)net | 4/1/1981 | 5/1/1982 | AG Postal |
Plys, Martin | mpparmy –at– gmail(dot)com | 10/1/1983 | 10/1/1986 | USCOB – Office of the US Commander Berlin |
Poethke, Horst | hpoethke –at– yahoo(dot)com | 1/8/1982 | 7/31/1985 | RTO Berlin Passnger & Freight Sec ITT Tour Guide |
Pool ,Thomas W. | twpool62 –@– aol.com | 5/21/1986 | 5/26/1989 | |
Preissle, Frank | ponkapp –at– gmail(dot)com | 2/1/1959 | 7/18/1961 | Berlin Observer – Sports Editor |
Prill, Wilhelmina L. | thebaybug– AT –yahoo.com | 10/1/1990 | 12/1/1993 | |
Ranfos, Joe | RUF122000 –at– YAHOO(dot)com | 5/20/1970 | 1/18/1972 | Recon plt |
Rangel Jr, Ernesto | [email protected] | 8/1/1982 | 2/1/1987 | NCOIC Wannsee Recreation Centrr |
Raymond, Jan | janbo84043 –at– yahoo.com | 6/15/1983 | 6/5/1989 | Andrews Education Center and Central Texas College |
Reese, Richard E | ssgre –@— yahoo.com | 1/10/1988 | 6/15/1993 | |
Reilly, Christopher Sean | cseansrg —@- gmail.com | 9/23/1983 | 8/15/1988 | G3, Berlin Return 10/20/1988 , 10/15/1991 |
Rickerman, Rick | r_rickerman —@– yahoo.com | 1/5/1970 | 5/21/1971 | Finance and Accounting Office Officers financial records |
Roberts, Mark | markrob904 –at– yahoo(dot)com | 5/21/1980 | 11/30/1981 | 287MP 42Eng HHC |
Roberts, Mary Angelo | maryar –at– aol(dot)com | 10/1/1982 | 8/31/1985 | G-4 – Bde G-4 |
Rogers, Valetta | reacz2 –at– yahoo.com | 2/12/1984 | 5/11/1987 | HHD/CSB, 287MP, Brigade Trans Div |
Roseboro, Linda A. | roseboro –at– hughes(dot)net | 1/1/1980 | 1/1/1983 | |
Rynd, Bill | wrynd –at– yahoo(dot)com | 6/25/1984 | 10/1/1991 | G-4 |
Rynerson, Robert W. | rw.rynerson –at– worldnet.att(dot)net | 9/1/1969 | 8/1/1971 |
HHC Berlin Brigade (S-Z) – updated 7 July 2024
name | arrived | departed | comments | |
Saathoff, Lynn | lynnsaathoff –at– embarqmail(dot)com | 4/26/1972 | 7/21/1973 | Finance and Accounting Office Pay Disbursement Specialist |
Santiago, Jose M. | jose.m.santiago –at– dhs.gov | 11/1/1985 | 7/1/1991 | |
Sato, Gregory | mandu3 –at– hotmail(dot)com | 12/7/1974 | 5/22/1977 | |
Schmidt, John | jschmidt —@– gtvinc.com | 7/15/1985 | 2/1/1988 | |
Seminski, Frank C | fseminski –at– aol(dot)com | 8/1/1976 | 7/1/1990 | ODCSI |
Smith, Fred | MisterShuus –at– aol(dot)com | 3/20/1973 | 10/13/1975 | Postal Unit – Mailroom |
Smith, Joseph | leatherbro1000 –@— gmail.com | 11/1/1986 | 2/1/1992 | |
Sousa, David A | nvraiderfan –at– me.com | 4/1/1991 | 9/1/1995 | also 287 MP & CSB |
Sowell, Mike | sowellm1– AT –mac(dot)com | Berlin Observer – Editor | ||
Spears, LaMonte | laspears001 –at– msn(dot)com | |||
St John, Edwin | gelderland –@— sbcglobal.net | 6/30/1962 | 6/30/1963 | |
Stambaugh, Kelly | CADESM –at– PTD(dot)net | 6/25/1988 | 6/25/1990 | FOOD SERVICE |
Staso, Mike | traveler790 –at– hotmail(dot)com | 1/1/1986 | 1/1/1988 | |
Steffen, Lynn | nitropower100 –at– yahoo(dot)com | 2/1/1987 | 9/1/1990 | |
Stoneburner, Gary | garystoneburner —@– comcast.net | 10/1/1977 | 10/1/1980 | |
Stout, Daniel R | mowermandan –at– yahoo(dot)com | 5/28/1964 | 9/24/1967 | AG Postal G-1 Div |
Swearngin, Thomas | todoswear –at– aol(dot)com | 9/1/1966 | 4/1/1967 | ACA Air Control Bldg |
Tebaldi, Harold T. | HTomteb –at– aol(dot)com | 5/1/1970 | 2/1/1977 | Maint Div |
Tetlow, Stanley | setetlow –at– aol(dot)com | 1/1/1969 | 6/1/1971 | |
Thorstad, Gary | [email protected] | 5/1/1989 | 5/1/1992 | First Sergeant |
Tuller, Robert Jerald | rjtuller1962 —@–gmail.com | 7/14/1982 | 1/14/1984 | COMM Center Specialist / USACC Det. |
Varga-Sinka, Stephen T. | svargasi -@- comcast.net | 1/6/1977 | 4/12/1980 | G3 Training Support Officer |
Veal, John D. | jdvealjr –at– yahoo(dot)com | 1/22/1973 | 12/7/1974 | |
Wesley, Bill | fountainhead000 –at– cs(dot)com | 3/15/1974 | 3/15/1975 | |
Wheat, Donald H. | dwheat1 –at– rochester.rr(dot)com | 10/1/1970 | 1/1/1972 | AG Msg Ctr |
Williams, Phillip L | [email protected] | 2/15/1989 | 8/10/1995 | also E 320 FA |
Woolard, Troy A. | alexwoolard –at– hotmail(dot)com | 11/15/1990 | 4/15/1992 |
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• Your Unit Assigned:
• Date Arrived Berlin:
• Date Departed Berlin:
• OPTIONAL – What was your assignment/what did you do in Berlin? (i.e., 3rd Plt M60 Gunner)
• OPTIONAL – What State do you currently reside?
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