USCOB – updated 7 July 2024
Barrett, Thomas therapy143  –at–  aol.com9/1/19846/1/1987
Chavez, Frank O.bronco5452  –at–  msn.com6/3/19876/16/1989EOC
Clark, Edward K.edward.clark –@— jlheritagegroup.cpm9/10/19662/1/1968The time of my life.  
Coffman, David R Raysipse  –at–  AOL.com1/1/19681/1/1969Enlisted Aide to MG Fergusson
Crockwell, David dcrockwell  –at–  comcast.net8/9/19639/15/1967
Gibson, Raymond raymondgibson57  –at–  yahoo.com4/1/19791/1/1982Berlin Observer
Harders, R. T. rtharders  –at–  yahoo.com11/30/197712/10/1979Office of the Staff Judge Advocate
Houts, Gary garyhouts  –at–  aol.com12/1/19825/1/1985Driver for MG Boatner and MG Mitchell
Jones, Frankjonesfw314  –at–  gmail.com4/4/19814/4/1984NCOIC for Office of Public Affairs, US Army, Berlin
Lane, Denise R.dross1155 -@– aol.com10/3/19807/1/1984ODSCI
Marsh, Robert C rmarsh951 –@— gmail.com7/15/194512/15/1945I was in Berlin from July to December of 1945  Exact dates unknown.This was to occupy Berlin with the 82nd division.
McBride, Donalddonmcbride55 –@– gmail.com12/5/19771/7/1981Office of the Commanding General
McConnell, Brian W.redleg72  –at–  hotmail.com3/1/198112/1/1983Public Affairs Office
Naughton, Richard naughton1  –at–  comcast.net10/1/19754/1/1978Berlin Observer
Oedewaldt, Gary gaoedewaldt –@– centurytel.net1/1/19851/1/1988
Ordahl, Stevesteveordahl –at— gmail.com3/22/19705/1/1972AG DIV – Exciting tour for a young 2Lt/1Lt. Met wife in Berlin. Still married 50 yrs later
Otto, Georg Michaelmike -@– gmotto.com5/30/19598/30/1962Provost Marshal Office / On the border for the whole Berlin Wall debacle
Panetta, Betty M. bmp_bjlaw   –at–   hotmail.com6/1/198210/1/198471C – BG Suddath
Perkins, Robert robert.perkins  –at–  hotpop.com9/9/198810/10/1991
Seminski, Francis C. fseminski  –at–  aol.com7/30/19876/14/1990ODCSI, USCOB Intelligence Officer
Shanafield, Halhals12  –at–  hotmail.com10/1/19674/10/1969Berlin Observer
Smith, Frederick L. Mistershuus  –at–  aol.com3/20/197310/13/1975Brigade Mailroom Blding #1
Smith, Morris psyops  –at–  windstream.net12/1/198012/1/1983NCOIC of The ODCSI
Sowell, Michael sowellm1  –at–  mac.com3/1/19704/1/1972
Wheeler, Jr., Lageorge G. LGW7144  –at–  GMAIL.COM2/1/19662/1/1968Communications & Crypto section at British HQ’s

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• Your Name:
• Your Unit Assigned:
• Date Arrived Berlin:
• Date Departed Berlin:
• OPTIONAL – What was your assignment/what did you do in Berlin? (i.e., 3rd Plt M60 Gunner)
• OPTIONAL – What State do you currently reside?

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